1.4.19 - Inspection Correction Notice.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS of EDA0 CORRECTION NOTICE ENGINEERING DIVISION CJ N (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov �sr. 1890 BLD20161599, BLD20170041 DATE: January 4, 2019 PERMIT NUMBER: & ENG20170188 OWNER: Edmonds School District SITE CONTACT: Morgan Salcido ADDRESS: 9300 2361h St SW TYPE OF INSPECTION: Engineering Final Inspection ❑ WORK DESCRIBED BELOW HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED ❑ APPROVED PLANS AND PERMIT JOB CARD MUST BE AVAILABLE TO INSPECTOR ON SITE ❑ CORRECTIONS LISTED BELOW MUST BE MADE BEFORE WORK CAN BE APPROVED AND/OR THE NEXT PHASE OF WORK IS STARTED. ® RECALL FOR INSPECTION ❑ REINSPECTION FEE MUST BE PAID PRIOR TO NEXT INSPECTION REQUEST. ❑ STOP WORK UNTIL AUTHORIZED TO CONTINUE BY CITY INSPECTOR Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) All engineering items allowed for TCO have been completed. Nlaet ,,- all eateh basins .. site and within , the right .,fw a. 2. Releeate "stop" . 3. Soils and "aFfy spalls will need to be installed within the bio r-etefftion PORd as well as biE) swales thr-oughout the site. 4. . 5. Compost amend and peFmanenfly stabilize exposed soils (less plants) within the r-i& of way. Certificate of Occupancy (CofO) 1. The city's street and sidewalk will need to remain clean of dirt and construction debris. 2. Maintain temporary sediment traps within the catch basins within landscape areas and where catch basins may be affected by ongoing work. Sediment traps per city detail ER-902. Sediment traps to be removed prior to final. 3. Final restoration vegetation per plans will need to be installed throughout the site. 4. . Add drop pin sleeves (within the asphalt) at the trash enclosure gate. 5. Pre-treatment, city to verify and follow up with requirements. 6. Bio-retention planter at the east property line is to have F of ponding. Vegetation (plants/grass) as needed within the right of way. Catch basins on site as well as within the right of way may need to be cleaned after vegetation has been installed. 9. The sidewalk panel with footprints needs to be replaced/corrected. 10. Need to complete striping - center line and fogline. 11. Need additional "Staff Only" striping for angled parking within large parking lot as well as along northern parking. 12. Need to install signage throughout the site "Stop" sign, ADA parking signage, "School Load Only" signage etc. 13. Provide reports/documents/as-builts as required by special inspections agreement and city requirements. 14. Documentation from appropriate entity confirming that the UIC wells are active and operational. 15. As discussed, there may be additional requirements that need to be completed prior to C of O as current required items get completed. For inspection scheduling call 425-771-0220 x1326. Page 2 of 2