10-0248 Plan Review Comments - 2nd Review.pdf CE ITY OF DMONDS th • 1215 AN•E,WA98020 VENUEORTHDMONDS P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 • W:www.ci.edmonds.wa.us HONEAXEB DSD: P•E•B EVELOPMENT ERVICES EPARTMENTLANNINGNGINEERING UILDING July 12, 2010 Randy Munson Email: Randy.Munson@comcast.net RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS FOR PLAN CHECK # 2010-0248 GROW WITH US DAYCARE APPLICATION, LOCATED AT 665 EDMONDS WAY Dear Mr. Munson: I have reviewed your resubmittal dated 6/11/10 for the above building permit application for the Planning Division, and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue: Covered Porch: 1.Your site plan and floor plan (Sheets A-1 and A-2) indicate the addition of a covered porch on the western side of the building; however, this porch is not indicated on the western elevation drawing (Sheet A-4). Please verify which is correct and update your plans so that they are consistent. Trellis: 2.It was noted that you added a trellis to the southern side of the building. Please indicate this trellis on the site plan. Height Calculations: 3.Please make the following corrections to your height calculations: a.Thank you for indicating the existing catch basin near the southernmost corner of the site as the datum point. Two elevations were provided for this point (TE 284.88’ and IE 269.88’). Please specify what “TE” and “IE” mean and which elevation was utilized as the datum for the height calculations. b.As stated in Item #1, it is unclear if a covered porch is proposed for the western building façade or not. This porch was included in your height calculations, so if the covered porch is not part of the proposal, the height rectangle will need to be adjusted accordingly. Landscape Plan: 4.Please make the following corrections to your landscape plan: a.As stated in my letter dated 5/6/10, landscaping along the eastern property line should be a combination of Types I and II, which require a majority of evergreen trees planted at intervals no greater than 20 feet on center. It was noted that you changed species of many of the trees along the eastern property line to be evergreen, which brings the proposal closer into compliance with the Type I/II landscaping standards. It was noted, however, that the trees on the back portion of the site along the eastern property line are shown at around 30 feet on center where spacing of a maximum of 20 feet on center is required. Thus, please update the plans to provide a maximum spacing of 20 feet on center for these trees along the eastern property line. Also, Type II landscaping requires shrubs a minimum of three and one half feet in height so that the ground will be covered within three years. When redistributing the spacing of the trees along the eastern property line, please add a few more shrubs, particularly near the walkway around the northeast corner of the building and towards the back of the property. b.Upon further review of the landscaping plan, it was noted that five pin oak trees are proposed along the eastern property line. These trees are shown very close together and three of them are shown under the drip line of an existing tree that is to be retained. Since pin oaks grow very large, it is suggested that you space them out further in order to avoid problems in the future and/or remove some of them from the plans. One way to achieve the requirement for the maximum spacing of 20- feet on center for the trees along the eastern property line near the back of the property could be to place a couple of the pin oaks in the back between the proposed western hemlocks. c.As stated in my letter dated 5/6/10, landscaping along the northwestern property line should meet the requirements of Type II landscaping. It was noted that you changed several of the proposed trees to evergreens, which brings the northwestern property line closer into compliance with the Type II landscaping requirements. In order to maintain the specified spacing of the trees along the northwestern property line and in order to help break up the western building façade, it is suggested that you could add a small tree on the western side of the building just north of the proposed covered porch. Additionally, Type II landscaping requires shrubs a minimum of three and one half feet in height so that the ground will be covered within three years. Thus, some shrubs should be provided between the hemlock trees along the northwestern property line at the back of the property. d.Your resubmittal cover letter states: “No street trees required per your conversation with Owner.” I have not had a conversation with the owner stating that street trees would not be required. I sent an email to Scott Anderson on 5/20/10 clarifying that although the Engineering Division determined that a landscape buffer between Edmonds Way and the new sidewalk would not be required, landscaping pursuant to ECDC 20.13 and street trees will still be required between the sidewalk and the subject site. Therefore, street trees must be provided in accordance with the Street Tree Plan. Page 125 of the Street Tree Plan states that all street trees in this location shall be a minimum of 3 inches in caliper with a minimum 7-foot branching height and must be one of the following three species: 1) Liriodendron tulipifera / Tulip Tree, 2) Cercidiphyllum japonicum / Katsura Tree, or 3) Quercus rubra / Red Oak. Page 127 of the Street Tree Plan states that large scale trees should be spaced about 40 to 60 feet on center. Your plans do not indicate tree grates within the sidewalk. Therefore, the required street trees may be located between the back of the sidewalk and the subject site or entirely on private property; however, it should be noted that ECDC 20.13.020(L) states that street trees should be provided within four feet of either side of the property line. As the trees and plants already indicated on your landscaping plan are shifted around to accommodate for the street trees, please keep in mind that Type IV landscaping is required along the property line adjacent to Edmonds Way and Type V interior parking lot landscaping is also required. The Type V landscaping can be provided for within the landscaped areas on either side of parking stalls numbers 12 and 14. e.I did not locate a landscaping estimate with your resubmittal materials. An itemized cost estimate, including all plants and labor, must be submitted for use in determining the landscape bond amount for the performance bond (if applicable) and/or maintenance bond. : Design ReviewAs stated in my letter dated 5/6/10, the design criteria of the ECDC and the 5. Comprehensive Plan strive to avoid long, massive, unbroken or monotonous building façades. It was noted that you added a trellis to the southern façade, which will help to add architectural interest to the front of the building; however, the western façade still has a large unbroken wall. Is it possible to add windows or another architectural feature to help break up this wall? Or, you might want to consider taller growing landscaping adjacent to this wall to help break it up. Civil Plans: 6.Sheet 1 of your civil plans indicates clearing limits extending out to the property lines; however, the entire site is not intended to be completely cleared. Please indicate the existing trees that are to be retained on Sheet 1 of the civil plans. This may be redlined on your plans. Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga, Planner