10-0869 Plan Review Comments.pdf
• 1215 AN•E,WA98020
P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 • W:www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
December 2, 2010
Mr. Jim Musar
Email: aspectsinc@juno.com
Dear Mr. Musar:
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division, and it was found
that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review
can continue:
1.: The proposed sunroom enclosure, new covered entry, and “trellis” structure must
comply with the minimum required setbacks for the RS-6 zone. Since the subject site is a
corner lot, the minimum required setbacks are as follows: Street = 20’ from the east and south
property lines, Side = 5’ from the north and west property lines. It appears that the sunroom
and covered entry will comply with the minimum required setbacks; however, the proposed
“trellis” structure projects into the minimum required setback from the east property line.
Since this is a structure and is attached to and part of the new covered entry, it must be
modified to be a minimum of 20 feet from the east property line. Note that up to 30 inches of
eaves may project into the minimum required setbacks, so as long as the supporting posts for
the “trellis” structure entirely comply with setbacks, up to 30 inches of the upper eave portion
may project into the 20-foot street setbacks. Please make all necessary changes to the site plan
and building plans to show that all proposed structures will comply with the minimum required
setbacks, including dimensions on the site plan showing the minimum setback distances.
Lot Coverage
2.: Lot coverage is defined as the total ground coverage of all buildings or
structures on a site measured from the outside of external walls or supporting members or from
a point 30 inches in from the outside edge of the eaves, whichever covers the greatest area.
The maximum allowed lot coverage for the RS-6 zone is 35 percent of the net lot area. The lot
coverage calculations provided on your site plan indicate a total coverage of 34.9 percent.
However, it does not appear that this figure was calculated correctly, as eaves were included in
the area of the house, but it appears that the deck was not included. Therefore, please provide a
breakdown of the lot coverage calculations based on the above definition, including the
footprints of all existing and proposed structures excluding up to 30 inches of eaves. The entire
deck must be included in the lot coverage calculations since it is a second floor deck.
Additionally, since the proposed “trellis” is considered a structure, the supporting posts and any
other portions of this structure excluding up to 30 inches of eaves will need to be included in
the calculations. If any other structures are present on the site, they must also be shown on the
site plan and included in the lot coverage calculations. Based on staff’s review of a building
permit from 2005 for an addition and remodel (BLD20050400), it appears that the site is
currently extremely close to the maximum allowed coverage of 35 percent. If through the lot
coverage calculations, it is found that the proposed addition will bring the lot coverage of the
site over 35 percent, the scale of the proposal will need to be reduced until the coverage will
not exceed 35 percent.
Height Calculations
3.: Please verify the locations of the exact points used as the corners of
your height rectangle. The symbol typically used to designate each point is shown on the site
plan approximately 15 feet away from where the actual points used for the corners of the height
rectangle should be located. Additionally, please verify the elevation of Point C. It is stated on
the site plan as 107.33’; however, it appears that the 106’ topography line crosses very close to
this point. Please make any necessary updates to the height calculations, average grade,
maximum allowed height, and proposed height on the site plan and building elevations.
Building Elevations
4.: The west elevation view shown on Sheet 4 of the building plans
indicates what appears to be a chain downspout; however, it is labeled with #6, which in the
elevation notes is stated as “wood trellis per details.” Please clarify what this is and whether a
wood trellis is proposed for the western side of the residence, or if the only trellis is the one that
is proposed at the front entry.
All submittals should be made to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through
Friday, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (425)
771-0220, ext. 1224.
Development Services Department - Planning Division
Jen Machuga