10-0984 Plan Review Comments.pdf CE ITY OF DMONDS th • 1215 AN•E,WA98020 VENUEORTHDMONDS P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 • W:www.ci.edmonds.wa.us HONEAXEB DSD: P•E•B EVELOPMENT ERVICES EPARTMENTLANNINGNGINEERING UILDING January 19, 2011 Mr. Tom Leren The Leren Co. Inc. Email: tom@lerendesign.com RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS FOR PLAN CHECK # 2010-0984 TOWNSEND ADDITION / REMODEL LOCATED AT 710 ALDER STREET Dear Mr. Leren: I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division, and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue: Site Plan 1.: Please make the following corrections to your site plan: a.Indicate existing and proposed grades at two-foot contours. b.Label the stream. Stream 2.: Please respond to the following items in respect to critical areas requirements related to the stream on the northern side of the property: a.It was noted that you plan to retain the existing front entry stairs and to only modify the northern façade of the building through a new roof pitch and new windows. Based on the elevation views, it appears that the railing on the existing stairs will be replaced, but it is unclear if the existing curved concrete entry stairs are proposed to be rebuilt or expanded in any way. Please provide a written description of any proposed changes to the front entry stairs, including the curved concrete stairs. b.There is no indication on the plans that you propose to alter the front of the property itself, such as removing or replacing the existing concrete walkway, removing or planting vegetation, etc. Please confirm this, and if there are any proposed changes within the stream or its buffer, please provide a written description of these changes and indicate them on the site plan. c.Due to the location of the stream on the northern side of the property, best management practices will be required during construction. Please indicate on your plans how the stream will be protected during construction. For example, no construction equipment or materials should be stored between the stream and the residence and should only be stored on the paved driveway surface. Additionally, a silt fence should be utilized to ensure that no construction debris ends up in the stream. SEPA Review 3.: As specified in the comments from JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician, indicate the proposed grading quantities (cut and fill) on the site plan. If the proposed cut or fill exceeds 500 cubic yards, SEPA review will be required. You may contact me with any questions on the SEPA review process or submittal requirements. Height Calculations 4.: Please make the following corrections to your height calculations: a.The height rectangle should be the smallest rectangle that encloses the residence out to the exterior walls excluding up to 30 inches of eaves. Sheet 6 of your building plans indicates that the eaves on the northern side of the residence will extend 36 inches out past the northern façade (over the front entry and on the portion of the house that is currently under the sloped roof). Since the height rectangle can only exclude 30 inches of eaves, Points A and D of the rectangle must be moved to the north six inches. Please correct the locations of Points A and D and update the elevations of these points and height calculations as necessary. b.The elevations of the four corners of the height rectangle will be verified for consistency with original grade when you add the topography lines to the site plan as requested in Item #1 above. c.The average grade cannot be rounded up when conducting the height calculations for determining the maximum allowed height. Lot Coverage 5.: Lot coverage is defined as the total ground coverage of all buildings or structures on a site measured from the outside of external walls or supporting members or from a point 30 inches in from the outside edge of the eaves, whichever covers the greatest area. Since the curved concrete stairs are considered a structure, they must be included in the lot coverage calculations. Thus, please provide the area of the footprint of the curved concrete stairs and update the total lot coverage accordingly. All submittals should be made to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (425) 771-0220, ext. 1224. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga Associate Planner