102009 Memo to Planning.pdfL=J
October 20, 2009
Gina Coccia, Planner
Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
PLN20090048, Greenbean Java — drive-thru coffee stand
7601244th St SW
The comments provided below are based upon review of the application and documents
submitted for Greenbean Java coffee stand at 7601 244th St SW. Additional information is
requested from the applicant at this time. Please ask the applicant to respond to the following.
1. Please provide a traffic impact analysis for the proposed coffee stand. Please refer to City
handout #E82 for traffic impact analysis requirements. The handout is available on the
City's website at www.ci.edmonds.wa.us under the Engineering Division of the
Development Services Department.
2. Please dimension drive aisle on east side of proposed coffee stand as well as the drive
aisle area provided for fueling station.
3. Provide radius of drive aisle around coffee stand.
Thank you
City of Edmonds