108599267 Edmonds 50 Pine St & Nootka Rd.pdfLEGEND ® 28" TRAFFIC CONE ® BORE PIT TRAFFIC FLOW FLAGGER WORK VEHICLE SIGN LOCATION WARNING FLAG PINE ST Cn >� O m `\ ` mD ` R9-9 \ MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH = L (feet) LANE POSTED SPEED LIMITS WIDTHS 20 25 30 35 40 45 10 70 105 150 205 295 475 11 75 115 165 225 295 495 12 80 125 180 245 320 540 CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING TANGENT TAPER MPH 80 40 55/70 60 30 35/45 40 20 25/30 SIGN SPACING "X" 55 + 800 60/65 500' 45/55 350' 35/40 200' 30 100, 25 '0 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Edmonds standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 48" x 48" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 11' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. 8. Contractor shall post temporary "NO PARKING" 72 hours prior to construction. 9. Work area will be 16' S edge of Pine St & 628' WCL of Nootka Rd. PUGET ' SOUND ENERGY Job#108599267 50 Pine St, Edmonds, WA August 8, 2017 Sheet 1 of 1 gregory.harwood@pse.com (425) 424-6425 1S, OR PLAN PREPARED BY: TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT, INC. 800.763.3999 www.trafficmanagement.com Traffic Control Services - Sales &Rentals �TMI Permits &Consulting - Engineering - Training C31 # 785804 TMI CONTACT PERSON: Michael Flanagan TCS CERT #: 301872 PLAN ORDER: 28800 DATE: 818117 - MH