11.17.11-email comments-Swedish Medical-bld20110692.htm
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From: McConnell, Jeanie
Thursday, November 17, 2011 2:40 PM
'Hinthorne, Brad'
Lambert, Jennifer; Thornquist, Linda ; Shuster, Jerry
Swedish Medical bld20110692
In Jennifers absence I have been working to finish permit approvals for the Swedish Medical expansion. I just
finished reviewing the cost estimate that was prepared for this project and found that water and sewer items were
not included in the estimate. Could you please have this document revised to include this additional work?
The City will require a performance bond for all improvements to be done within the City rightofway, which I
believe you are fully aware of. When going through the cost estimate I also realized that the connections to
the City water and sewer systems would also need to be included in the bond amount. Once we receive a
revised cost estimate we will let you know the required bond amount for the project.
Also, on sheet C500 there is reference to sewer standard details that are to be provided on Sheet C535. Sheet
535 doesn't appear to exist in this plan set (it's not listed on the sheet index either) and I haven't been able to
locate the details elsewhere in the plan set. Can you please clarify this or submit sheet C535 showing these
I'll give you a call to discuss this. I'm headed out of the office until after Thanksgiving and Jennifer will be back
next Tuesday. We have received the updated letter regarding the storm drainage exemption and it is currently
being reviewed by Jerry Shuster and our managers. If you have any questions on that in the following days
please contact Jerry.
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!
JEANIE McCONNELL | Engineering Program Manager | mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us
Public Works Department Engineering Division | 121 5 Ave N | Edmonds, WA98020
City of Edmonds | www.edmondswa.gov | Tel: 425.771.0220 | Fax: 425.771.0221