12-0257 Plan Review Comments #2.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS • 121 5th AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.edmondswa.gov
May 8, 2012
Jeff Huffman
PORCH AT 23814 841H AVE. W
Dear Mr. Huffman,
I have again reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. Before I
can sign off on the permit, however, the following information needs to be clarified in a written
response. The first comment was issued in response to the April 10 submittal. The other
comments are based on the May 7 resub and come directly from Handout B61. If you need
assistance with preparing drawings for resubmittal, please contact a Permit Coordinator here in
our office:
True and Accurate Plot Plan: While this building permit is only for replacing the front
porch, a true and accurate site plan showing everything on the site is required —
fences, sheds, decks, etc. Handout B61 describes what other information is required to
be submitted as part of a complete application, including height calculations
(http://www. edmondswa. gov/imagesICOEIGovernment/Departments/Development
Services/Building Division/Forms Hondo uts/861-SFR REMODEL -ADD. pd. A critical
area checklist has already been completed for the site (CRA-2003-0059) and does not
have to be submitted again.
2. Show all the following information on the plot plan:
a. Property owner's name, tax account parcel number and street address.
b. North arrow designation, Scale 1"= 20' and property line dimensions.
c. Streets, approaches, driveways, sidewalks, alleys, easements (public and
private), paved areas, street dedications and adjacent City right-of-way
(developed or undeveloped).
d. Existing water courses of any size (i.e., streams, creeks, ponds, ditches, etc.).
e. Dimension all buildings and structures (label them existing or proposed),
indicate setback distances from property lines, call out lot area and lot
f. Accessory structures and projections, decks, porches, hot tubs/pools,
cantilevered structures, chimneys, eave lines, breezeways, patios, sheds,
fences, etc.
g. Building height calculations for additions.
h. Impervious area calculations.
Side sewer stub location and proposed sewer lines, water meter location,
water service line location, gas, cable and phone lines, fire hydrants,
telephone poles, utility transformers.
3. Show all of the following information on the elevation view:
a. Front, rear, sides, average grade and finished floor and roof elevations.
b. Roof overhangs, decks, porches, stairways, walkways, breezeways,
cantilevered structures, chimneys, roof decks, guardrails, handrails, landings,
stairs, siding, roof material, etc.
c. Show location and size of windows, doors, sliders, skylights, etc.
d. Show actual and maximum height of the residence taken from the average
grade as determined by the height calculations.
4. Perform the height calculations as follows:
a. Stake out the smallest rectangle within the boundaries of the site, that
encompasses all four corners of the proposed building at original,
undisturbed soil. Include decks when covered by a roof and projections such
as bay windows. Chimneys and eaves are exempt if they project no more
than 30 inches. Note, detached structures must have separate height
b. Select a datum point to establish a starting mark to compute height
calculations. The datum point must be a permanent point of reference and
be located off site (i.e. top of a manhole cover, fire hydrant, or street
monument). Reference the datum point at elevation +100.
c. Calculate the difference in elevation at each building corner of the rectangle
above or below the datum point mark of +100.
d. Add the four corner elevations and average --this figure is the average grade.
e. Add 25 feet to the average grade for a single family residence. This figure is
the maximum height allowed at the proposed location.
f. On the plot plan show the grade elevations at each corner of the building
rectangle, the datum point grade, the original grade, the average grade, the
actual height and the maximum building height.
g. Height field verification shall be done by the applicant's agent/contractor and
'observed' by the building inspector. The agent/contractor shall set up the
equipment; establish the datum point and the point of average grade. These
items must be consistent with the approved plan.
All referenced code sections are available at the following website:
Please submit three copies of your updated site plan (one being reduced size of 11 x17 or
smaller) and two sets of any updated sheets of the building plans. Please make all
submittals to a Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. If you
have any questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220.
Pak ,
Mike Clugston, AICP
Associate Planner