1232 8TH AVE S.pdfLOT -LINE ADJUSTMENT $10 x SHORT SUBDIVISION - 4 lots or less; $10 per lot. To be filled in by Planning DATE ,�gxILE dS�'_ ? CITY OF ED'10NDS � r REC'T #_ FEEO li SUBDIVISION APPLICATION APO'S TITLE REPORT LEGALS:I / L` xiss-ti—n—g Proposed MAP i-' GRADING PLAN SUBDIVISION - 5 lots or more; fee is $8 per lot, or ENV. ASSESS. V CK'LIST .0005 per square foot of lot area in the Plat, whichever is greater. .Minimum E/A FEE REC'T # fee is $50. This fee is applicable to (Determined by -j- both preliminary and final plat submissions. HEARING DATE SET: / & J" 1232-8TH. AVE.S. APPLICANT: EDITH B. COCKRUM ADDRESS: EDMONDS, WA. 98020 PHONE: 778-4070 Indicate type or degree of interest in the property:_ OWNER OWNER: ADDRESS: PHONE: If other than applicant 1. REQUEST THAT THE FOLLO:•IING DESCRIBED PROPERTY BE DIVIDED INTO 3 LOTS. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1232-8TH. AVFNUF S LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ENTIRE PROPERTY SEE ATTACHED LEGAL, DESCRIPTIQ� To be completed by the Planning Department: Use Zone RS-6 LEGAL DESCRIPTIOP CHECKED & APPROVED Kroll Map No. 1O8W BY: DATE: 2. MODIFICATION OR VARIANCE OF REQUIREMENTS Applicant requests that the Planning Commission consider the following modifications: Applicant requests that the Board of Adjustment hear a variance for the following: That 5 hamraites he permitted an a private rnad thuc permitting apprnual of tliisapplication for short subdivision. CERTIFICATION: i do hereby certify that I own the above legally described property, and T further, that all contiguous property which I own, which has not received a previous subdivision approval, is included herein. I further certify that the attached list contains names, addresses and zip codes of all property owners within 80 feet of the subdivision as recorded with the County Assessor. I understand that street dedications may be required in conformance with the Official Street Plan of the City of Edmonds. 11/75 roperty Owner LDJLTH B. COCKRU " Sepember 29, 1977 File No. 77-162 4 A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR EDITH B. COCKRUM PROPERTY That portion of the nothwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said subdivision; thence north, 20 feet; the ce'west 289 feet; thence north, • 105 feetthence west' 66 feet; thence north, 94 feet; thence west,150 feet; thence south, 219 feet to south line of said subdivision; thence east along south line of said subdivision to the point of beginning. i LESS road. i 1 ALSO; That portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M. described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said subdivision, 195 feet west of the northeast corner of said subdivision; thence N88018'46" W, along the north line of said subdivision, 310 feet; thence S1007100" i W, parallel with the east line of said subdivision, 102.50 feet; thence S781142100" E, 314.40 feet; thence N1°07'00" E, 155 feet to the point i of beginning. j Situated in Snohomish County Washington. _•A PROJF'•' HAi4EcpcK M, SHORT SUHDTVTSTON DATE SUBMITTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1977 EUVIROiNMENTAL ASSESSMENT In order to meet the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, the responsible official must make a declaration of environmental impact as early as possible in the process of evaluating a project. The information in this form ;gill be used to determine whether it will be necess- ary to require an environr.»ntal impact statement. If an impact statement is not required; a Statement of Neeative Declaration will be placed in the file. If an impact statement is required, a draft statement must be filed with this office, public notice given and a revie:!r period of 30 days allowed. The final statement and com!nents must be filed with the Department of Ecology, Office of the Governor and Cie Ecological Commission. The Edmonds Planning Staff will assist you in any way we can in accumulating this information and :•je would appreciate your cooperation. 1. Land: Area in acres 1.98 ACRES none for foundation Soils type Gravellev, sandy loam Limitationsand roadway construction. Description of topography (;10 slope) Property is situated on a knoll with moderate slopes of less than 10 per cent from its'approximate center to its' peripheral boundaries. Grading: estimated cubic yds. 400(ine. excavatio4-10TE: If grading or filling will exceed 500 cubic yards Filling: estimated cubic yds .400(inewasting a grading and filling plan excavated excess) must be submitted :•tith the 2. !later: application. Stream - estimated flow (cubic feet per second) no stream on Property Will stream be altered? not applicable To what degree? not applicable Impact on storm drainage (increase in run-off) Minimal(runoff from house roofs will be directed to onsite drywells) Estimated area to be paved 485 Sq. yds. (0.10 acre) % 5 percent Estimated area in open space 1.8 Acres (comprising % 90lpercent private yards) Shorelines: within 200. ft. of Mean Ili g;ier High Uater not applicable Adjacent to shorelines zone not applicable --------- -- r+� Environmental Assessment, page 2 3. Vegetation Type of trees Scattered Evergreens and Alder% to be removed. 20 percent Minimum diameter of trees to remain Eight inches, where not conflicting with road location or house siting. Ground cover Brush wild grasses & forest % to be removed 50 percent. litter in undeveloped areas. Proposed landscaping, if any Lawns and shrubs, typical of residential development, implanted by future home owners. 4. Existing Land Use within 300 ft. radius of proposed development: Single Multi - Vacant Family Family Comm. Other North X South X East X West X 5, Circulation: Estimated increase in auto trips daily 2 DU'S X a ATD'S 8 ATD's Estimated demand for public transportation 2 additional families Degree of change on adjacent streets Minor 6. Area of impact: neighborhood minor city-wide insignificant regional none 7. Effect on air quality: insignificant'. 8. Changes in noise generation: minor C I T Y O F G D M 0 N D S ENGINEERING REQUIRB.=S F',R PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS HEARING DATE 0 Cr 2l . Iq7 9 140V 9 1. Right-of-way: 1 6'0 �EC�v 1 OEs� eGE S'f AW�0Oaf VP 2. Paving and Curbs: 2 f 24' C.UZ9 're Cvf-S t OWSMEWT PffQ v11,ty o jt AcGGS$, STR-ee`r 3. Turn Around: 3 3O� CV IL��'D � P�elelCy CUt.-�tC-SAL La- 10 4. Sidewalks & Planting Strip: 4 5. Access Easements: Ne-r AP P I t CA-4; ' 6. Water Mains: f �CCeSs SY � WITEXVWZS Tm WrIs 7. Fire Hydrants: ®pirm 9-1EQv1ROV 8. Sewers or Septic Tanks: Co0atJ3CtJ00 'T® S"1T � S�J� REG?V1�•�D 9. Drainage: Install all necessary storm sewers and drainage facilities per ordinance 1924 y approved drainage nlan. Where drainage s across pri property, all parties having any ownersip interest in the lands being platted shall provide, as a restriction on the plat running with the land, that the City of Edmonds shall be held harmless from any and all claims for damages which may be occasioned to adjacent land by reason of the construction and operation of the drainage system, FILE NO. 'S - 54 -7*7 REQ 1 D RFQ ' D BOND i PRIOR TO PRIOR TO POSTED COMPLETED RECORDING BLDG PERT 1IT ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS FOR PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS Page Two unless, releases of damages and/or drainage easements are obtained from the other property owners affected by said drainage. Any drainage problems created by change of contour during plat development must be corrected, prior to plat approval or release of plat bond. Final approval of plat (release of plat bond) will be withheld until actual drainage as installedErohasion beencontron- spected by the City Engineer ls shall be provided. The following statement shall appear on all plat sheets: Covenant: Owners, and all persons having any present or subsequent ownership interest in these lands, and the successors and assigns of owners or other parties having any s aid interest, hereby agree that the City of Edmonds shall be held harmless in all respects from any and all claims for damages for injunctive relief which may be occasioned now or in the future to adjacent land or improvements by reason of the construction, operation nd maintenance of the drainage system, hereby waive and release the City of Edmonds from any and all claims for damages, excluding damage caused solely by an act or omission of said City and injunctive relief which the owners, or their successors or assigns, may themselves the have now or in the future by construction, maintenance and operation of said drainage system. 10. Utility Easements and Access loge there s M114C pvNJt 11. Underground Wiring: To be provided in accord- ance with Ordinance No. 1387. Street Lighting shall be also provided with the necessary street light standards and underground wiring connection. 12. Excavation and Grading: Excavation and grading shall conform to the requirements out- lined in Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Vol. 1. Where extensive grading and fill are involved in the development of a plat a grading plan and specifications shall be preparo REQ'D REQ'D BOND PRIOR TO PRIOR TO POSTED COMPLETED RECORDING BLDG PER -TIT ENGINEERING REQUIRIIENTS FOR PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS Page Three ENGINEERING AITIINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS In accordance with the platting rules and regula- tions of the Edmonds City Code, the sponsor or the application shall advise the City Engineer, in writing within 21 days of the above date, the method of assuring performance for the installation of site improvements. Improvements: Improvements to be provided by the developer shall conform to Section 12.08.350 of the Edmonds City Code and to the fore- going list of engineering requirements. Subdivision Ordinance No. 1703, Section 6. Section 12.10.060 ADDlication and Fees: (d) Public rove- ment ns ection ee - inspection fee in the amount o .2 percent o t e estimated construction cost for the public improvements shall be provided sub- sequent to the approval of the development and engineering plans by the Engineering Department. Alternate method of providing site improvements are as follows: 1. By furnishing the City of Edmonds with a per- formance bond satisfactory to the City Engineer, in which assurance is given the City that the installation of the minimum improvements will be carried out as provided in Section 12.08.350 of the Edmonds City Code. The amount of bond shall cover 110 percent of the Engineers' estimate of public works and utility improvements. 2. By actual installation of improvements in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.08.350 and in accordance with the installation requirements and under the supervision of the City Engineer. Regardless of the method employed by the developer for the installation of improvements. No improve- ments shall be finally accepted by the City of Edmonds until the developer furnishes the City with a bond in the amount of 15 percent of the cost of said improvements to guarantee said im- provements against defects in workmanship and/or materials for a period of two (2) years om the date of such final acceptance." Also, before final acceptance, an as -built drawing of site improvements shall be submitted by the developer's engineer and approved by the City Engineer. REQ'D REQ'D PRIOR TO PRIOR TO POSTED COMPLETED RECORDING BLDG PERAffT I ENGINEERING REQUIR11DWFS FOR PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS RF.Q'D RFQ'D BOND Page Four PRIOR TO PRIOR TO POSTED OM, LETED RECORDING BLDG PERITT The City Engineer will review plans for improve- ments, prior to the start of construction. Notify the City Engineer of the schedule of construction prior to commencing work (NO WORK WILL, BE UNDERTAKEN IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-VIAY UNTIL AUT DRIZED BY TILE ENGINEERING DEPART ENT). If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact the City Engineer's office. MVENTS : a. `rk4i5 Dts L-1%TEV 9ASTV a. L)P0A) CVTI C-09E FOIL A TEvELoippielkif REQUIP-104 A, PVSLXC- 57TgE&I UNDO St-M-Jw 1311 7�W XCC4ESS SfQ,ee-T WI-M A, 1P43'reLrr14-t_ f0lt— H6 ix- La r c.. to FoT Ux.6-m Sl ab cg- A VhjLl A4C6- *AS 66e7j ?r-_q-j0;1W W16 i1fJP 1'4Ar-C (� TiW AcccLo%g rs-ePosw woo. air WELL, 6t-L4W M191MV#1 ST44VAILDS (Y� 4, @e DIVIVVidr Owtimi WILL P�o111� -Ct-rlLo%�&tA PI.1VA,'tT SItTems ®r '%" Pu13ttc- ®Pe M t.trleso I..Re 042.1k4c1s Se6SfA+J'1I44L- AHIV Mof T c eer o n s ELM VIEW ADDITION DIVISION C G.R. A ERS I I I I1� I 11 I IWILLIAM T. MORAN I HAROLD SMITH 6 I HAROLD SMITH 15 __ GERALD BEAUCHA —150' 7 rn T.J.O'CONNOR NED D. LAURINE 66 RONALD H. DUDECK �o 3 -- aa�� P'\ 55200* I L _J ROBERT L. STE ENSON - 01 23, 24 ELM VIEW ADD. / \ DID/. 30' 30' / JOIN S. SEELEY - 10 1. 9 1 D.D. JOHNSON W.E.CRANE rE?Z MOUSE, JEROME P. ADAIR EX HOti3&) Lam; O 1 X 69.50' E'Jf15t =1 CHERI K. ENNEKING pp 165.00' _ � o ROBERT L. STEVENSON 2 32' Fir I o 10200� 0 cd v 0 12600co � — L62*4.- 0' 'jROBERT PFLUGRAD I` 314.40' ! 127.p0' THOMAS E. BELT BIRCH ADDITION DIV NO.] THOMA57E. BELT 1 � 1 THOMAS E. BELT / / WEST COAST DEVELOPMENT CO. i / \ / THOMAS E. BELT THOMAS�E. BELT \ BIRCH ADDITION DIY. NO.2 30I 3 K.A. SANWICK JOSEPH DYE O SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR EDITH B. COCKRU IN NE X40F SW 4OF SECTION EDMONDS, 25, T 27 N, WAS l0"~ i CITY OF E®MDPJ OS HARVE H. HARRISON i t• `YI{e••w.ryn. CIVIC CENTER • EDMONOS, VVASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775.2525 MAYOR FIRE DEPARTMENT RECEIVED November 9, 1977 NOV 10 1917 Public Works Vept. i s Mr. Gerald Lovell Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc. 23108 - 100th West Edmonds, WA 98020 ;. RE: Cockrum Short Subdivision l` File No. A-54-77 3 i Dear Mr. Lovell: I have checked the subdivision plan for Edith B. Cockrum, per your request and feel that we cannot waive our original request for a fire hydrant in lieu of that same hydrant being i located on 8th Avenue South. s I have been advised there are additional problems with the access and utility easement as related to existing build- 1 ings on the property. If we may be of further assistance, please feel free to call. Sincerely, ED NDS FIRE DEPARTMENT J k F. Cooper Fire Chief JFC:gm cc: Engineering Dept. Community Dev. Dept. CITY OF EDMONDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Lu o a W a SUSPENSE DATE: DIRECTOR Investigate and Report / Take Appropriate ✓ Action Prepare letter/memo for my signature For Information Previously Ref'd Status of Action? Return to: ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY ASST. CITY ENGINEER BUILDING & GROUNDS SUPT. EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPT. STREET DIVISION SUPT. TREATMENT PLANT SUPT. WATER/SEWER SUPT. COMMENTS: FROM: LEIF R. %..jri ONE P.E„ DATE: i 1'1V..4'1• v4wti a • wvrw. > SUBJECT: NOTICE QF PUBLIC HEARING/BaARD CF APPEALS EDITH B. -2-77 You will recall our discussion and letter regarding the fire hydrant on this property. As you will note, they are declaring this a hard- ship case and are asking for a Board of Appeals hearing. However, Harry has advised them they may proceed and they are naca doing so. I feel you should be involved in this matter and am forwarding a oopy of their request on same. r 'iFr ! am . ., �;r All interested persons are hereby notified that Monday, the 19th day of December, 1977, has been set as the date for hearing by the r. Edmonds Board of Appeals for review of BA-2-77. Applicant is Edith B. Cockrum requesting an appeal against determination that a private fire hydrant be installed as a condition of approval of three (3) lot subdivision, S-54-77 at 1232-8th Avenue South. Said hearing will be at 7:30 P.M. in the Annex Building located at 505 Bell Street, Edmonds, Washington. Irene Varney Moran City Clerk City of Edmonds CEI'ED DEC 2 1977 APPLICATION TO BOARD OF APPEALS (Reference Current UBC) EDMO.NDS FIRE DEPT. CITY OF EDMONDS FILE NO. IS ' -Z - Edmonds, Washington DATE //- 9 - % 7 FEE $10.00 1232 - 8th Ave. S. APPLICANT: Edith B. Cockrum ADDRESS: Edmonds, Wa 98020 PHONE: 778-4o7o OWNER: Edith B. Cockrum ADDRESS: to to to PHONE:—,, It ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 1232 8th Avenue So Edmonds, Wa USE ZONE: ES-6 FIRE ZONE: III TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED: Special fire hydrant assembly with detector rheck valve, backflow preventor and necessary pipline on a private road. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIANCE REQUESTED: That reouirement for fire hydrant on private road he waived and in lieu thereof, that applicant be permitted to install a standard hydrant on 8th.Ave. S. at its intersection with the private road - SPECIFIC PROVISION OF CODE INVOLVED: City Code - section 10.10.030 STATEMENT OF REASONS FOR REQUEST: Applicant wishes to subdivide her property into three lots with access via an existing private roadway. Upon reviewing her application for subdivision approval, the Edmonds Fire Dept imposed and has subsequently declined waiver of a requirement for the installation of a fire hydrant on the private roadway in connec tion with development of the subdivision The cost of installing the required hydrant and related equipment. including pipeline, is approximately $8 000 That cost, coupled with the normal development cost of constructing paved roadway and installing underground wiring, water services and sanitary sewers, makes development of the property, originally prompted by financial hardship, not economically feasible. The applicant and/or her representative will be present at your hearing of this application to more fully explain and expand upon the details of this matter. NOTICE: AN APPEAL FROM THE DECISION OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MAY BE MADE TO THE SUPERIOR COURT WITHIN TWENTY (20) DAYS OF THE DECISION. i 3 r � , '4r.i"Va�Y C � Y A� RECEIVED I JAN 16 1978 j January 13 , 19 78 Public Works llepc MEMO TO: MEMBERS OF BOARD OF APPEALS FROM: JACK F. COOPER FIRE CHIEF? RE: JANUARY 16, 1978 MEETING As a result of the attached letter and agreement there will be no Board of Appeals meeting on January 16 re Cockrum-Short Subdivision. 71 t - i JFC:gm } 1 CITY OF E®MONOB -•• ,.,t•, , CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775.2525 FIRE DEPARTMENT January 13, 1978 HARVE H. HARRISON MAYOR Mr. Gerald W. Lovell Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc. 23108 - 100th West Edmonds, WA 98020 RE: Cockrum Short Subdivision (Edmonds Planning Dept. File No. S-54-77) Dear Mr. Lovell: Upon further review and consultation between the this office and the Fire Marshal's office on the above referenced matter it now appears (as a result of the Edmonds Board of Adjustment decision dated 12-21-77) that we can allow the fire hydrant in question to be located on 8th Avenue at the entrance to the access and utility ease- ment with the following provisions.....that it is agreed by the property owners that at such time as the balance of the property is subdivided and developed an 8-inch main and fire hydrant will be located in the area of the turn- around of the development. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Ack F. Cooper Fire Chief Lei rson City -ngineer JFC:gm The above terms are acceptable. ld W. Lov 11 January 13, 1978 for Edith Cockrum