14-0613 Plan review comments.pdfQTY OF EDMONDS ® 1215" AVENUE NORTH ® EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: 425.771.0220 ® FAX: 425.771.0221 ® WEB: www.edmondswa.gov DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING ® BUILDING August 6, 2014 Randy Munson randy.munson@comcast.net Dear Randy, I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division against the Edmonds Community Development Code. Design review of the project is being conducted administratively with the building permit. Before I can continue my review of the building permit and project design, the following information needs to be clarified in a written response and through submittal of updated plans: 1. Cover letter: In addition to the cover letter describing how the following comments are being met through resubmittal, please submit a cover letter describing how the project satisfies the design review objectives of the Urban Design Element in the Comprehensive Plan (pages 92-98), the design review criteria of ECDC 20.11.030, and the zoning code's development criteria for the RM -1.5 zone, parking and landscaping. 2. Color rendering: Please submit a color rendering showing all four elevations of the proposed building. 3. Material and color samples: Please submit samples of the exterior building materials and colors selected for the project. 4. Site/Landscaping plans: Please split the landscaping and site plans into separate plans. 5. Access: There is currently alley access for the parcel and no curb cut on Bell Street. The Engineering Division has indicated that additional curb cuts are discouraged in the downtown area where sufficient alley access exists to meet the development needs of the site. Please revise the plans to show all access from the alley. 6. Lighting: Provide manufacturer's spec sheets for the selected outdoor light fixtures and show the fixtures on the renderings, elevation drawings and site plan, as appropriate. 7. Datum point: Please label the datum point used for height calculations on Sheet A-1 and its elevation, actual or assumed. 8. Exterior mechanical equipment: Please verify whether any exterior mechanical equipment is included with the development. If so, show it on Sheet A-1. It should be located interior to the site, screened or camouflaged. 9. Elevations: On Sheet A-2, show lines of "average original grade", "maximum allowed height" at 25' above average original grade, "maximum allowed height with 4:12 roof pitch" at 30' above average original grade, and the "proposed ridge height" of the structure. 10. Roof slopes: Show the slope of each roof pitch on Sheet A-10. 11. Eaves: Label the eaves on Sheet A-1 and show their width. 12. Dumpster: Add a detail showing how the dumpster will be screened on Sheet A-1. 13. Garage doors: Submit a manufacturer's spec of the garage doors chosen for the project. The doors currently shown on Sheet A-2 need additional interest in the form of windows or other details, alternative materials, colors or the like. 14. Lattice feature: Label the lattice-like feature shown on the north/south elevations on Sheet A-2. Is it decorative or does it have a use? 15. Fenestration: On Sheet A-3, please add additional windows to at least the second and third floor facades at the east and west ends of the building appropriate for the living rooms and bedrooms on those walls. 16. Stone veneer projections: On Sheet A-3, stone veneer projections are shown adjacent to the garage entries. Please show and label these features on Sheet A-1 and verify their compliance with RM -1.5 setback requirements. 17. Landscaping: Please describe how the proposed landscaping shown on Sheet A-1 meets the type requirements of ECDC 20.13.030. It would appear that a Type III mix of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs and groundcovers would be appropriate for the east and west sides of the project, with Type IV landscaping for the north and south. The Pin Oak (in the plant schedule but not on the plan itself) is not suitable for narrow planting areas like those associated with this project. When considering other species, please reference the native plant guide produced by King County: https://green.kingcounty.gov/GoNativellndex.aspx. While automatic irrigation is not required, will it be included with the development? If so, please show it on the landscaping plan. Street trees are required along Bell Street. The Katsura Tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) is the appropriate street tree for Bell — size and spacing requirements for all plantings are found in ECDC 20.13.020 and the City's Street Tree Plan. One tree is proposed to be retained along the east property line. Please identify its species and size on the landscaping plan. The tree's drip line will have to be identified and fencing installed during redevelopment — please add the tree protection notes found in ECDC 18.45.050.H(1)-(6) to the landscaping plan and to the Stormwater Drainage & Grading Plan. In accordance with ECDC 20.13.040, please submit an itemized cost estimate for all landscaping and irrigation so bond amounts can be determined. All referenced code sections are available here: http://www.codepublishing.com/wa/edmonds/. Please submit three copies of your updated site plan and two sets of any updated sheets of the building plans. Please make all submittals to a Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (8:00 am to 12:00 pm on Wednesdays only). If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, Mike Clugston, AICP Associate Planner