14-0729 - 0731 Plan review comments.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS - 1215" AVENUE NORTH ® EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 - FAX: 425.771.0221 ® WEB: www.edmondswa.gov
August 25, 2014
Luay Joudeh
RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS FOR PLAN CHECK # 2014-0729,-0730 & -0731
Dear Way,
I have reviewed the above building permit applications for the Planning Division against the
Edmonds Community Development Code and the conditions established by the Architectural
Design Board in their July 2, 2014 decision associated with file PLN20140009. Before I can sign
off on the building permits, the following information needs to be clarified in a written
response and through submittal of updated plans:
Lot line adjustment: Before the building permits can be issued, a lot line adjustment
needs to be completed and filed at the County. Please submit the required materials
and fee at your earliest convenience (see Handout P47 for submittal requirements,
the review fee is $880).
2. Mechanical equipment: Condition #2 of the design approval indicates that all
mechanical equipment must be hidden, camouflaged or screened. This includes
residential equipment as well as PUD transformers and the like. No mechanical
equipment is shown on Sheet C4; please verify.
3. Illumination note: Please add the 'illumination note' shown on Sheet C3 to all of the
elevation sheets.
4. Deck status: What is the status of the encroaching deck at the western property line?
The call out on Sheet C3 shows a "2' x 12.76' deck easement" — if that is the case,
please provide a copy of the easement. Also, on Sheet C2, show the deck as being
protected with the high visibility construction fence.
5. Colors: Please identify and label the colors chosen for buildings on the elevation
sheets (Al). According to Condition #7 of the ADB's decision: "Colors will be earth
tones and natural colors subject to staff approval."
6. Site plan: On Sheet BP1, show the required building setback lines for the site. Also,
show the fireplaces, trellises and similar projections and label them (and the patios),
as appropriate.
7. West retaining wall: On Sheet C3, please add a label for 'original grade' or 'OG' to
each of the TW/BW call outs. Because the wall is within a required setback, the top of
the wall can be no higher than 3 feet above original grade.
8. Landscaping: Condition #8 of the ADB's July 2 decision indicates that the landscaping
along the eastern property line is to be Type I. Type II is currently shown on Sheet L-1.
Please revise.
Also, Type 1 landscaping requires two rows of evergreen trees rather than one;
include additional evergreens along the Edmonds Way property line.
9. Landscaping irrigation: Please add the required irrigation system to either the civil
drawings or the landscaping plan.
10. Landscape bid: In accordance with ECDC 20.13.040, please submit an itemized cost
estimate for all landscaping and irrigation.
All referenced code sections are available here:
Please submit three copies of your updated site plan and two sets of any updated sheets of
the building plans. Please make all submittals to a Permit Coordinator, Monday through
Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (8:00 am to 12:00 pm on Wednesdays only). If you have any
questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220.
Sincerely, J
Mike Clugston, AICP
Associate Planner