14-0914 Plan review comments.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS ® 1215" AVENUE NORTH ® EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 ® FAX: 425.771.0221 ® WEB: www.edmondswa.gov
October 8, 2014
Henry Byam
Dear Mr. Byam,
I have reviewed the referenced building permit application for the Planning Division. Before I
can sign off on the permit, however, the following issues need to be addressed through the
submittal of a response letter and updated plans with changes called out:
1. Design review required: Because changes are proposed to the exterior of the building
and the site, design review is required. This will be done by staff in conjunction with
the building permit; a $225 review fee will be added.
2. Landscaping: New landscaping is proposed to replace areas of existing pavement
within the required 4' street setback at the Highway 99 street front. Type IV
landscaping is appropriate for that space according to ECDC 20.13.030.D. Please
submit a landscaping plan prepared in per ECDC 20.13.010 and include a plant
schedule per ECDC 20.13.015. The landscaped areas must be designed incorporating
the standards of ECDC 20.13.020.
Type IV planting areas require deciduous trees to be planted within the street setback.
In this case, it would be appropriate to select a tree from the City's Street Tree Plan
for Highway 99 which includes the following options: Armstrong Maple, Columnar
Norway Maple or Tupelo tree.
3. Fencing: On the Site Plan, show any proposed fencing.
4. Parking: The Site Plan shows a "Stall Count" of 24 'previous' stalls and 26 'existing'
stalls. It is unknown what these numbers refer to but based on the type and square
footage of the use, 33 off-street parking stalls are required (6,519 square feet of 'car
repair/commercial garage' at 1 stall per 200 sf of gross floor area). The site plan
appears to show that there are 20 exterior stalls and 16 enclosed stalls for a total of
36 off-street stalls. Please verify and update the Site Plan as appropriate.
5. Blank walls: With the exception of a man door, the proposed south wall of the metal
building will be blank as viewed from Highway 99. This would not be in compliance
with the design standards for building design and massing in ECDC 16.60.030.D.4:
To ensure that buildings do not display blank, unattractive walls to the abutting
streets or residential properties, walls or portions of walls abutting streets or
visible from residentially zoned properties shall have architectural treatment
applied by incorporating at least four of the following elements into the design
of the facade:
a. Masonry (except for flat concrete block).
b. Concrete or masonry plinth at the base of the wall.
c. Belt courses of a different texture and color.
d. Projecting cornice.
e. Projecting metal canopy.
f. Decorative tilework.
g. Trellis containing planting.
h. Medallions.
i. Artwork or wall graphics.
j. Vertical differentiation.
k. Lighting fixtures.
1. An architectural element not listed above, as approved, that meets the intent.
[This could include landscape screening immediately adjacent to the
structure as described in ECDC 20.13.025. It could also include screening of
the existing and proposed rooftop mechanical equipment.]
Please revise Sheet A-2 (and the Landscaping Plan, as applicable) to show the use
of at least four of the above treatments on the south fagade of the proposed
6. West elevation: Please submit a west elevation view of the proposed addition and the
Sanding & Prep Shop to be walled -in. These walls may also not be blank as described
above because per ECDC 16.60.030.D.4, they could be seen from the multifamily
residential buildings to the west.
Please revise Sheet A-2 (and the Landscaping Plan, as applicable) to show the use of at
least four of the above treatments on the west fagade of the building.
All referenced code sections are available at the following website:
http://www.codepublish nng.com/wa/edmonds/.
Please make all submittals to a Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30
pm (8:00 am to 12:00 pm only on Wednesdays). If you have any questions, please contact
me at (425) 771-0220.
Si cerely,
4w/vuJ S
Mike Clugs on, AIP
Associate Planner