1482.01_390 Sunset Avenue North_ ZGA DFR 004_08-25-2015.pdf Zipper Geo Associates Daily Field Report ZGA Project Daily Field 004 1482.01 Page: 1 of 2 No.: Report No.: Project: Neuman Residence Location: 390 Sunset Ave North, Edmonds, WA Client: Babbit Neuman Const. Co. Contractor: Babbit Neuman Const. Co. ZGA Field Rep: Nick Millman Permit No.: BLD20150223 Date: 08-25-2015 Arr./Dep. Time: 12:00 pm / 12:15 am Equipment Tracked excavator Weather Sunny, 60 Used: We arrived at the request of the client to observe receptor soil conditions for the site infiltration facilities. A summary of our observations and recommendations is presented below. Northeast Infiltration Facility Upon arrival, we observed that the contractor had completely backfilled the NE infiltration facility. Fill soils consisting of on-site silty sand to sandy silt was exposed at the ground surface. Northwest Infiltration Facility Upon arrival, we observed that the contractor had partially completed the excavation for the northwest infiltration facility. However, the contractor had stopped the excavation at a depth of about 4½ feet due to the presence of a green PVC pipe. The approximate extent of the excavation is shown in the attached site plan. We were informed by the contractor that they had stopped the excavation upon encountering the sewer line. The plans appear to show the sewer line closer to the house than where it was encountered. The contractor elected to discontinue the infiltration system excavation next to the sewer line until discussing the situation with the civil engineer. The contractor indicated that he would speak with the civil engineer that afternoon, and asked us to return tomorrow morning. Reviewed by: This field report presents the results of our on- The contractor is responsible to complete the project in accordance with the approved plans and specifications regardless of our presence on site and our subcontractors or responsibility for job site safety.