15-0520 Plan review comments 2.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS • 1215" AVENUE NORTH a EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 * FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB uvw ond, ' r 4 v + ecl���.
July 30, 2015
Wayne Dong
MCG Architecture
Dear Wayne,
I have reviewed the referenced building permit application for the Planning Division - I
apologize for the delay in my comments. Before I can sign off on the permit, the following
issues need to be addressed through the submittal of a response letter and updated plans with
changes called out as necessary:
1. Design review required ' : Design review is required and will be done by staff in
conjunction with the bilding permit; a $225 review fee will be added which is payable
prior to permit issuance.
2. Required parking: On Sheet A1.00, required parking is shown to be 300 stalls based
on a 1 stall/300 sf ratio. Per ECDC 16.60.030.B.1, one stall is required per 400 sf of
leasable building space. Please recalculate the amount of required parking for both
the existing building and the proposed shell.
3. Blank walls: There are blank masonry bays on two sides of the building - one on the
east elevation and three on the south — which require architectural treatment per
ECDC 16.30.030.D.4. On the east wall, the glass used in the other bays could be
continued on the blank bay — the appearance would be similar to the west elevation.
On the south elevation, continued use of vegetative screens would be an option.
Awnings or canopies or a similar modulating feature would also be appropriate above
the doors on the south fagade to provide some depth and weather protection.
4. Transformer: Please work with the Snohomish County Public Utilities District to refine
options for the transformer on the site to reduce its visual impact. Beside burial,
options could include enclosing it in the utility room, using an artistic wrap, or
screening it with vegetation.
5. Freestandinp, sign on 220th: Based on the sign code in ECDC 20.60, the proposed sign
between the bioretention cells does not meet code for location in Section
20.60.045.E. The sign's location would be more compliant on either side of the
primary 220th Street vehicular entrance. Please revise and make any changes
necessary to the landscaping, bioretention areas, etc.
a. Describe how the landscaping and bioretention cells along 220th Street SW meet
the Type IV landscaping requirements of ECDC 20.13.030.D.
b. In the areas of new and restriped parking stalls, Type V parking lot landscaping is
required per ECDC 20.13.030.E. Identify how many stalls are being altered and
calculate the required amount of parking lot landscaping in square feet. Revise
the landscaping plan and civil drawings as appropriate and show the size and
square footage of each of the planter islands as required for Type V landscaping.
c. The vehicular access off of Highway 99 north of Starbucks is shown to be revised
on Sheet C-1.0. Type V landscaping is required in the planter adjacent to the
parking stalls but none is not shown on Sheet L-1.0. Please revise Sheet L-1.0 as
appropriate and ensure the landscaping meets the Type V dimensional and
planting requirements.
d. Provide add landscape screening on the north and south sides of the proposed
trash enclosure. Alternatively, applying an architectural treatment other than
paint could be appropriate. Please revise Sheet L-1.0 or A1.0013 as needed.
e. The plaza and outdoor seating areas around the proposed building need
additional treatment. Planter boxes with built-in pedestrian lighting would be
appropriate but other options could serve to break up the expanse of concrete
and provide lighting to meet the lighting requirement in ECDC 16.60.030.D.3.
Please revise Sheet L-1.0 and other plans as needed.
7. Landscape bid: Please submit a cost estimate for the revised landscaping and
irrigation per ECDC 20.13.040.
All referenced code sections are available at the following website:
h!tp: "www.co ublistLm , corp w f ed ran /.
Please make all submittals to a Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30
pm, except Wednesdays when the counter is closed for submittals. If you have any
questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220.
Mike Clugston, AfCP
Associate Planner