1516 9th Ave hazard tree decision.pdf'4C. 199 -
April 13, 2016
1215 th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 * Fax: 425.771.0221 * Web:. www.edmondswa. ov
Richard Blackburn
1516 91h Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020
Subject: Hazard Tree Removal (STF20160010)
Dear Mr. Blackburn,
The City of Edmonds received a request from you regarding the removal of several small Photinia trees
and laurel bushes along the bank of a creek on your property. This letter is in response to that request.
The creek on the southern portion of your property, Northstream Creek, is considered to be a critical
area pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapters 23.40 and 23.90. Generally,
the removal of trees or vegetation within a critical area or critical area buffer is not an allowed activity
unless it involves the removal of invasive species or hazard trees, pursuant to ECDC 23.40.220.C.7.
As part of your request you submitted pictures of a large pine tree which fell across the creek damaging
trees and bushes along the creek on your property. Your letter notes that with the removal of the fallen
pine tree you subsequently hired an arborist to remove dead bushes and small trees damaged by the
pine. Based on the submitted information, it is clear that the damaged trees and bushes are candidates
for removal which is considered to be an allowed activity relative to the critical areas code referenced
above and no further critical area reports are required.
According to ECDC 23.40.220.C.7.b hazardous trees or vegetation removed from critical areas as an
allowed activity must be replaced. Your letter notes that you intend to replant the affected area with
ferns, smaller native trees and ground cover while also trying to preserve as many of the exiting laurel
bushes as possible. The proposed replanting of native plants and trees will meet the above cited code
If you have any questions, please contact me at sean.conra4l@Oged4mondswa.gov or 425-771-0220.
Sean Conrad, AICP
Associate Planner