170327_Traffic Impact Analysis.pdf City of Edmonds Traffic Impact AnalysisWorksheet Name of Proposed Project: Owner/ApplicantApplicant Contact Person: NameName Street/Mailing Address Street/Mailing Address City State Zip City State Zip Telephone: Telephone: Traffic Engineer who prepared the Traffic Impact Analysis (if applicable): Firm Name Contact Name Telephone:E-mail: THRESHOLD LEVELS OF ANALYSIS Project Traffic Levels Sections to Complete I.Less than 25 peak-hour trips generated1 and 7 only (Worksheet/Checklist) II.More than 25 peak-hour trips generatedAll sections PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. a.Location - Street address: (Attach a vicinity map and site plan.) b.Specify existing land use: c.Specify proposed type and size of development: (# of residential units and/or square footage of building) 1 of 5 Revised on 6/24/10 E82 - Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet Page d.Date construction will begin and be completed: e.Define proposed access locations: f.Define proposed sight distance at site egress locations: TRIP GENERATION 2. Source shall be the Eighth Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation manual. For independent fee calculations, the current edition of the ITE manual may be used. ADT = Average Daily Traffic PM Peak-hour trips (AM, noon or school peak may also apply as directed by the City Engineer) a.Existing Site Trip Generation Table: PM Peak-Hour Trips Land Use Daily (ADT) INOUT b.Proposed Project Trip Generation Table: PM Peak-Hour Trips Land Use Daily (ADT) INOUT c.Net New Project Trip Generation Table: PM Peak-Hour Trips Land Use Daily (ADT) INOUT d.State assumptions and methodology for internal, link-diverted or passby trips: 2 of 5 Revised on 6/24/10 E82 - Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet Page TRIP DISTRIBUTION 3. Prepare and attach a graphic showing project trip distribution percentages and assignments. For developments that generate over 75 peak-hour trips, the City Engineer reserves the right to require 1 trip distribution to be determined through use of the City traffic model. SITE ACCESS ROADWAY/DRIVEWAYS AND SAFETY 4. a.Have sight distance requirements at egress location been met per AASHTO requirements? b.Intersection Level of Service (LOS) Analysis: Intersections to be evaluated shall be determined by the City of Edmonds Traffic Engineer Existing Conditions LOSDelays Year of Opening LOSDelays Five Years Beyond Change of LOSDelays Land Use c.Describe channelization warrants: (Attach striping plan.) d.Vehicle Storage/Queuing Analysis (calculate 50% and 95 % queuing lengths): 50 % 95 % Existing Conditions Year of Opening Five Years Beyond Change of Land Use e.If appropriate, state traffic control warrants (e.g. stop sign warrants, signal warrants): 2 f.Summarize local accident history (only required for access to principal and minor arterials): 1 Available upon request at City of Edmonds Development Services Department 2 Available upon request at City of Edmonds Police Department 3 of 5 Revised on 6/24/10 E82 - Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet Page TRAFFIC VOLUMES 5. 1 Provide the following and other planned development traffic within the city. a.Describe existing ADT and peak-hour counts (less than two years old), including turning movements, on street adjacent to and directly impacted by the project. b.Describe the estimated ADT and peak-hour counts, including turning movements, the year the project is fully open (with and without project traffic). c.Describe the estimated ADT and peak-hour counts, including turning movements, five years after the project has been fully open (with and without project traffic). d.State annual background traffic growth factor and source: LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) ANALYSIS 6. a.Summarize Level of Service Analysis below and attach supporting LOS analysis documentation. Provide the following documentation for each arterial street or arterial intersection impacted by 1 ten or more peak-hour trips. Other City-planned developments must also be factored into the LOS calculations. LOSLOS Existing Conditions ExistingDelays Year of Opening With ProjectWithout Project Five Years Beyond Change of With ProjectWithout Project Land Use b.Note any assumptions/variations to standard analysis default values and justifications: 1 A list of planned developments are available at the City upon request for public records 4 of 5 Revised on 6/24/10 E82 - Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet Page MITIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS 7. State recommended measures and fees required to mitigate project specific traffic impacts. Traffic impact fee shall be calculated from the Edmonds Road Impact Fee Rate Study Table 4 (attached) and as identified in ECDC 18.82.120, except as otherwise provided for independent fee calculations in ECDC 18.82.130. CHANGE IN USE Fee for prior use shall be based on fee established at the time the prior use was permitted. If the previous use was permitted prior to the adoption of Ordinance 3516 (effective date: 09/12/04), the 2004 ECDC 18.82.120 impact fee shall be used. Units in Per Unit square feet, ITE Land Use Category Fee Fee Rate # of dwelling, vfp, etc. = $ X New Use $ = $ X Prior Use $ $ 1 -= New Use Fee: $Prior Use Fee:$ NEW DEVELOPMENT Units in Per Unit square feet, ITE Land Use Category Fee Fee Rate # of dwelling, vfp, etc. = $ X New Use $ OTHER $ MITIGATION FEE RECOMMENDATION: INDEPENDENT FEE CALCULATION: $200.00 (+ consultant fee)$ TOTAL TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE $ City of Edmonds, Engineering Division Approval Date 1 No impact fees will be due, nor will a credit be given, for an impact fee calculation resulting in a net negative. 5 of 5 Revised on 6/24/10 E82 - Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet Page March 2, 2017 To: Robert McChesney, Executive Director for Port of Edmonds From: Jake Pi and Jeff Hee, TSI Subject: Port of Edmonds Marine Retail Trip Generation This technical analysis supports the City of Edmonds Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet for the proposed Port of Edmonds Marine Retail site located off Admiral Way across from Anthony’s HomePort restaurant in Edmonds, Washington. The proposal is located on a portion of parcel 2703200415800 and is currently used as a parking lot. The site is about 0.49 acres in size and includes a 6,650-square foot retail sales building, space for boat repair, detailing and sales. This proposal is similar in its business model to the Edmonds Jacobsen’s Marine business, also located off Admiral Way, and is about half the size of Jacobsen’s Marine. A vicinity map is attached for reference. Technical Summary Port of Edmonds Marine Retail is proposed off Admiral Way and includes a 6,650-square foot retail sales building, space for boat repair, detailing and sales. The development is forecast to generate 55 weekday daily trips and 6 PM peak hour trips. The development’s impact fee is estimated at $15,258.06 Trip Generation For this study trip generation was collected at the former Jacobsen’s Marine and at Performance Marine businesses on Wednesday and Thursday, February 12-13, 2014. Data collection included monitoring pedestrian activity at the sales main entrance, reducing the pedestrian data to vehicle trips, and noting any additional vehicle trips observed accesses the boat repair and sales areas. Data was collected between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. The former Jacobsen’s Marine was located in West Seattle and included a 7,200-square foot retail sales office and a 2,400-square foot detached garage (for service, detailing and repair). The site was served primarily via on-street parking on Harbor Ave SW. Exhibit A identifies the main entrance and gated area off-street area where the boat repair occurred. Weekday business hours were from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Performance Marine is located at 930 W Marine View Drive, in Everett, Washington. The existing business was identified as being most similar in operations to Jacobsen’s Marine. Performance Marine is located in a 37,888- square foot building and the main business area is estimated at about 12,000 square feet. Boat repair, detailing and sales areas are located to the rear of the main building. Exhibit B provides an aerial of the Everett site. Weekday business hours are from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Table 1 summarizes the data collected at each site. A copy of the data collected in fifteen minute increments is attached. A copy of the February 19, 2014 Jacobsen’s Marine Edmonds Traffic Impact Analysis is also attached. Robert McChesney Port of Edmonds Marine Retail; Trip Generation March 2, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Table 1: Trip Generation Study (February 2014) Time Interval Jacobsen’s Marine (West Seattle) Performance Marine (Everett) Trips-In Trips-Out Total Trips-In Trips-Out Total 8-9 AM7 2 9 52 7 9-10 AM4 4 8 78 15 Feb. 13, 2014 10-11 AM4 2 6 55 10 11-noon3 4 7 67 13 12-1 PM7 5 12 31 4 1-2 PM8 4 12 46 10 Wednesday, 2-3 PM6 5 11 55 10 3-4 PM0 2 2 34 7 4-5 PM7 5 12 12 3 5-6 PM055044 Other Hours 1 2 10 12 72 9 Total 48 48 96 41 4182 8-9 AM6 1 7 64 10 9-10 AM7 3 10 63 9 rsday, Feb. 13, 2014 10-11 AM2 5 7 33 6 11-noon4 3 7 43 7 12-1 PM5 4 9 55 10 1-2 PM4 5 9 34 7 2-3 PM1 3 4 63 9 3-4 PM5 5 10 46 10 Thu 4-5 PM3 5 8 12 3 5-6 PM0 2 2 13 4 Other Hours 1 2 3 5 25 7 Total 39 39 78 41 4182 1.Estimate of trips outside of business hours (such as cleaners and staff who arrive and depart before and after closing) The former Jacobsen’s Marine generated 12 average weekday PM peak hour trips, and 87 average daily trips. Performance Marine generated 6 average weekday PM peak hour trips, and 87 average daily trips. Table 2 includes the weekday daily and PM peak hour trip generation forecast for the proposed development as derived from the results of the trip generation study. Table 2: Jacobsen’s Marine (Edmonds) Trip Generation Site Size Weekday Daily Trips (ADT) PM Peak Hour Trips (sq. ft.) Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Trip Rate Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Trip Rate Jacobsen’s Marine(West Seattle) 9,60096 78 9.06 16 8 1.25 Performance Marine (Everett) 12,000 92 82 7.25 6 5 0.46 Average 8.16 0.86 Marine Retail(Edmonds) 6,650Trips: 55 Trips:6 1.Expressed as Trips per 1,000 sq. ft. The proposed Port of Edmond’s Marine Retail site is forecast to generate 55 weekday daily trips and 6 PM peak hour trips, split 45% in and 55% out. Traffic Impact Fee Based on the current Impact Fee Schedule the fee rate per trip in the City of Edmonds is $2,543.01. The fee estimate for the proposal is $15,258.06 (6 new PM peak hour trips X $2,543.01 per new trip). As the applicant, you will be responsible for the impact fee payment, $240 administrative fee, and the cost of any required consultant time to review this study. February 19, 2014 To: Greg Jacobsen, Jacobsen Marine CƩƚƒʹ WĻň IĻĻͲ ƩğƓƭƦƚƩƷğƼƚƓ {ƚƌǒƼƚƓƭͲ LƓĭ͵ Subject: Traffic Impact Analysis This technical analysis supports the City of Edmonds Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet for Marine, a boat sales and service business, proposed at 345 Admiral Way, Edmonds, Washington. This document specifically supports an independent traffic impact fee study as request by Edmonds staff. Jis proposed at the Port of Edmonds. The site which is about an acre in size area źƓĭƌǒķĻƭ ğ ЊЉͲЉЉЉ ƭƨ͵ ũ͵ ƭğƌĻƭ ĬǒźƌķźƓŭ ğƓķ ƭƦğĭĻ ŅƚƩ ĬƚğƷ ƩĻƦğźƩ ğƓķ ƭğƌĻƭ͵ A vicinity map and a site plan ğƩĻ ğdžğĭŷĻķ͵ Ave SW, and is proposing to relocate Edmonds. The current business model shows limited customer traffic during the PM peak hour. Edmonds staff, in an email sent on Monday, December 23, 2013, indicated that an independent fee ĭğƌĭǒƌğƼƚƓ Ǟƚǒƌķ ĬĻ ƩĻƨǒźƩĻķ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ ƦƩƚƦƚƭğƌ ƭźƓĭĻ ƷŷĻƩĻ źƭ Ɠƚ ƭźƒźƌğƩ ƌğƓķ ǒƭĻ ĭğƷĻŭƚƩǤ Ʒƚ ğķķƩĻƭƭ ƷŷĻ ŷĻ ŅƚƌƌƚǞźƓŭ źƓĭƌǒķĻƭ ğ ƩĻǝźĻǞ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ ƷƩźƦ ŭĻƓĻƩğƼƚƓ ğƓķ ƷŷĻ źƓķĻƦĻƓķĻƓƷ ƷƩğŕĭ źƒƦğĭƷ ŅĻĻ ğƓğƌǤƭźƭ ŅƚƩ thĻ ƦƩƚƦƚƭĻķ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ͵ ŷĻ ƭĭƚƦĻ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ ķğƷğ ĭƚƌƌĻĭƼƚƓ Ǟğƭ ƩĻǝźĻǞĻķ ǞźƷŷ 9ķƒƚƓķƭ ƭƷğň͵ 9ǣĻĭǒƼǝĻ {ǒƒƒğƩǤ Jacobsenƭ ağƩźƓĻ źƭ ƦƩƚƦƚƭĻķ ğƷ ƷŷĻ tƚƩƷ ƚŅ 9ķƒƚƓķƭ Ʒƚ źƓĭƌǒķĻ ğ ЊЉͲЉЉЉ ƭƨ͵ ũ͵ ƭğƌĻƭ ĬǒźƌķźƓŭ͵ City staff requested an independent fee study for the proposed use. ƩźƦ ŭĻƓĻƩğƼƚƓ Ǟğƭ ĭƚƌƌĻĭƷĻķ ƚǝĻƩ ƷǞƚ ķğǤƭ Ļğĭŷ ğƷ ƷŷĻ ĻǣźƭƼƓŭ WğĭƚĬƭĻƓs Marine, in West {ĻğdžƌĻͲ ğƓķ ğƷ tĻƩŅƚƩƒğƓĭĻ ağƩźƓĻͲ źƓ 9ǝĻƩĻdž͵ The development is forecast to generate 82 weekday daily trips and 9 PM peak hour trips. The developmentƭ źƒƦğĭƷ ŅĻĻ źƭ ĻƭƼƒğƷĻķ ğƷ υВͲЍЍЍ͵ЎВ͵ ƩźƦ DĻƓĻƩğƼƚƓ Marine businesses on Wednesday and Thursday, February 12-13, 2014. 5ğƷğ ĭƚƌƌĻĭƼƚƓ źƓĭƌǒķĻķ ƒƚƓźƷƚƩźƓŭ ƦĻķĻƭƷƩźğƓ ğĭƼǝźƷǤ ğƷ ƷŷĻ ƭğƌĻƭ ƒğźƓ ĻƓƷƩğƓĭĻͲ ƩĻķǒĭźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ƦĻķĻƭƷƩźğƓ ķğƷğ Ʒƚ ǝĻŷźĭƌĻ ƷƩźƦƭͲ ğƓķ ƓƚƼƓŭ ğƓǤ ğķķźƼƚƓğƌ ǝĻŷźĭƌĻ ƷƩźƦƭ ƚĬƭĻƩǝĻķ ğĭĭĻƭƭĻƭ ƷŷĻ ĬƚğƷ ƩĻƦğźƩ ğƓķ ƭğƌĻƭ ğƩĻğƭ͵ 5ğƷğ Ǟğƭ collected between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Greg Jacobsen February 19, 2014 Page 2 of 3 ŷĻ ĻǣźƭƼƓŭ ğƓķ źƓĭƌǒķĻƭ ğ АͲЋЉЉ ƭƨ͵ ũ͵ ƭğƌĻƭ ƚŕĭĻ ğƓķ ğ ЋͲЍЉЉ ƭƨ͵ ũ͵ ķĻƷğĭŷĻķ ŭğƩğŭĻ ΛŅƚƩ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻ ğƓķ ƩĻƦğźƩΜ͵ ŷĻƩĻ źƭ ǝĻƩǤ ƌźƒźƷĻķ on-site parking with much of the on-site area is dedicated to boat repair and some sales. The site is served primarily via on-street ƦğƩƉźƓŭ ƚƓ IğƩĬƚƩ !ǝĻ {‘͵ 9ǣŷźĬźƷ ! źķĻƓƼŋĻƭ ƷŷĻ ƒğźƓ ĻƓƷƩğƓĭĻ ğƓķ ŭğƷĻķ ğƩĻğ ƚňΏƭƷƩĻĻƷ ğƩĻğ ǞŷĻƩĻ the boat repair occurs. Weekday business hours are from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. tĻƩŅƚƩƒğƓĭĻ ağƩźƓĻ źƭ ƌƚĭğƷĻķ ğƷ ВЌЉ ‘ ağƩźƓĻ źĻǞ 5ƩźǝĻͲ źƓ 9ǝĻƩĻdžͲ ‘ğƭŷźƓŭƷƚƓ͵ ŷźƭ ĻǣźƭƼƓŭ ĬǒƭźƓĻƭƭ Ǟğƭ źķĻƓƼŋĻķ ğƭ ĬĻźƓŭ ƒƚƭƷ ƭźƒźƌğƩ źƓ ƚƦĻƩğƼƚƓƭ Ʒƚ źƭ ƌƚĭğƷĻķ źƓ ğ ЌАͲБББ ƭƨ͵ ũ͵ ĬǒźƌķźƓŭ ğƓķ ƷŷĻ ƒğźƓ ĬǒƭźƓĻƭƭ ğƩĻğ źƭ ĻƭƼƒğƷĻķ ğƷ ğĬƚǒƷ ЊЋͲЉЉЉ ƭƨ͵ ũ͵ Boat repair and sales areas are located to the rear of the main building. Exhibit B provides an aerial of ƷŷĻ 9ǝĻƩĻdž ƭźƷĻ͵ ‘ĻĻƉķğǤ ĬǒƭźƓĻƭƭ ŷƚǒƩƭ ğƩĻ ŅƩƚƒ БʹЌЉ !a Ʒƚ ЎʹЉЉ ta͵ Table 1 summarizes the data collected at each site. ! ĭƚƦǤ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ ķğƷğ ĭƚƌƌĻĭƷĻķ źƓ ŋũĻĻƓ ƒźƓǒƷĻ źƓĭƩĻƒĻƓƷƭ źƭ ğdžğĭŷĻķ͵ ğĬƌĻ Њʹ ƩźƦ DĻƓĻƩğƼƚƓ Study Performance Marine Time Interval Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Total 8-9 AM7 2 9 5 2 7 9-10 AM4 4 8 7 8 15 Feb. 13, 2014 10-11 AM4 2 6 5 5 10 11-noon3 4 7 6 7 13 12-1 PM7 5 12 3 1 4 1-2 PM8 4 12 4 6 10 Wednesday, 2-3 PM6 5 11 5 5 10 3-4 PM0 2 2 3 4 7 4-5 PM7 5 12 1 2 3 5-6 PM0 5 5 0 4 4 Other Hours 1 2 10 12 7 2 9 Total 48 48 96 41 41 82 8-9 AM6 1 7 6 4 10 9-10 AM7 3 10 6 3 9 Feb. 13, 2014 10-11 AM2 5 7 3 3 6 11-noon4 3 7 4 3 7 12-1 PM5 4 9 5 5 10 1-2 PM4 5 9 3 4 7 y, 2-3 PM1 3 4 6 3 9 Thursda 3-4 PM5 5 10 4 6 10 4-5 PM3 5 8 1 2 3 5-6 PM0 2 2 1 3 4 Other Hours 1 2 3 5 2 5 7 Total 39 39 78 41 41 82 1.9ƭƼƒğƷĻ ƚŅ ƷƩźƦƭ ƚǒƷƭźķĻ ƚŅ ĬǒƭźƓĻƭƭ ŷƚǒƩƭ Λƭǒĭŷ ğƭ ĭƌĻğƓĻƩƭ ğƓķ ƭƷğň Ǟŷƚ ğƩƩźǝĻ ğƓķ ķĻƦğƩƷ ĬĻŅƚƩĻ ğƓķ ğũĻƩ ĭƌƚƭźƓŭΜ out) and 8 PM peak hour trips on Thursday (split 3 in and 5 out). The Wednesday PM peak hour was between 4:15 and 5:15 PM and the Thursday PM peak hour was between 4:00 and 5:00 PM. Greg Jacobsen February 19, 2014 Page 3 of 3 The Performance Marine site generated 6 PM peak hour trips on Wednesday (split 0 in and 6 out) and 5 PM peak hour trips on Thursday (split 1 in and 4 out). The PM peak hour for this site was between was between 4:15 and 5:15 PM and the Thursday PM peak hour was between 4:45 and 5:45 PM. ğĬƌĻ Ћ źƓĭƌǒķĻƭ ƷŷĻ ǞĻĻƉķğǤ ķğźƌǤ ğƓķ ta ƦĻğƉ ŷƚǒƩ ƷƩźƦ ŭĻƓĻƩğƼƚƓ ŅƚƩĻĭğst for the proposed ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ ğƭ ķĻƩźǝĻķ ŅƩƚƒ ƷŷĻ ƩĻƭǒƌƷƭ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ ƷƩźƦ ŭĻƓĻƩğƼƚƓ ƭƷǒķǤ͵ Table 2: Jacobsens Marine (Edmonds) ƩźƦ DĻƓĻƩğƼƚƓ Weekday Daily Trips (ADT) PM Peak Hour Trips Size Site Trips per Trips per Λƭƨ͵ ũ͵Μ 44 Feb. 13 Feb. 1 Feb. 13 Feb. 1 1,0001,000 ƭƨ͵ ũ͵ ƭƨ͵ ũ͵ Jacobsens Marine 9,600 96 78 9.06 16 8 1.25 Λ‘ĻƭƷ {ĻğdžƌĻ) Performance Marine 12,000 92 82 7.25 6 5 0.46 (9ǝĻƩĻdž) Average 8.16 0.86 Proposed Jacobsens 829 10,000 Trips: Trips: Marine (Edmonds) The proposed Jacobsens Marine site is forecast to generate 82 weekday daily trips and 9 PM peak hour trips, split 45% in and 55% out. Traffic Impact Fee Based on the current Impact Fee Schedule the fee rate per trip in the City of Edmonds is $1,049.41. The ŅĻĻ ĻƭƼƒğƷĻ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ ƦƩƚƦƚƭğƌ źƭ υВͲЍЍЍ͵ЎВ ΛВ ƓĻǞ ta ƦĻğƉ ŷƚǒƩ ƷƩźƦƭ – υЊͲЉЍВ͵ЍЊ ƦĻƩ ƓĻǞ ƷƩźƦΜ͵ !ƭ ƷŷĻ applicant, you will be responsible for the impact fee payment, $200 processing fee, and the cost of any ƩĻƨǒźƩĻķ ĭƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ ƼƒĻ Ʒƚ ƩĻǝźĻǞ Ʒŷźƭ ƭƷǒķǤ͵ Thank you and sincerely, ƩğƓƭƦƚƩƷğƼƚƓ {ƚƌǒƼƚƓƭͲ LƓĭ͵ Jeffrey P. K. Hee, P.E. Project Engineer PerformanceMarine 2/12/20142/13/2014 CountDate:CountDate: TimeInOutTimeInOutTimeInOutTimeInOut 12:00AM12:00PM112:00AM12:00PM23 12:15AM12:15PM12:15AM12:15PM11 12:30AM12:30PM1112:30AM12:30PM11 12:45AM12:45PM112:45AM12:45PM1 1:00AM1:00PM121:00AM1:00PM22 1:15AM1:15PM1:15AM1:15PM 1:30AM1:30PM121:30AM1:30PM1 1:45AM1:45PM221:45AM1:45PM11 2:00AM2:00PM112:00AM2:00PM21 2:15AM2:15PM122:15AM2:15PM1 2:30AM2:30PM222:30AM2:30PM12 2:45AM2:45PM12:45AM2:45PM2 3:00AM3:00PM13:00AM3:00PM23 3:15AM3:15PM113:15AM3:15PM11 3:30AM3:30PM223:30AM3:30PM12 3:45AM3:45PM3:45AM3:45PM 4:00AM4:00PM4:00AM4:00PM11 4:15AM4:15PM4:15AM4:15PM 4:30AM4:30PM14:30AM4:30PM 4:45AM4:45PM24:45AM4:45PM1 5:00AM5:00PM15:00AM5:00PM11 5:15AM5:15PM5:15AM5:15PM 5:30AM5:30PM35:30AM5:30PM2 5:45AM5:45PM5:45AM5:45PM 6:00AM6:00PM6:00AM6:00PM 6:15AM6:15PM6:15AM6:15PM 6:30AM6:30PM6:30AM6:30PM 6:45AM6:45PM6:45AM6:45PM 7:00AM7:00PM7:00AM7:00PM 7:15AM7:15PM7:15AM7:15PM 7:30AM7:30PM7:30AM7:30PM 7:45AM7:45PM7:45AM7:45PM AM18:00PM 8:00AM8:00PM8:00 8:15AM218:15PM8:15AM418:15PM 8:30AM28:30PM8:30AM128:30PM 8:45AM118:45PM8:45AM18:45PM 9:00AM359:00PM9:00AM9:00PM 9:15AM329:15PM9:15AM119:15PM 9:30AM19:30PM9:30AM219:30PM 9:45AM19:45PM9:45AM319:45PM 10:00AM1110:00PM10:00AM1210:00PM 10:15AM2110:15PM10:15AM10:15PM 10:30AM1110:30PM10:30AM10:30PM 10:45AM1210:45PM10:45AM2110:45PM 11:00AM2211:00PM11:00AM1111:00PM 11:15AM2111:15PM11:15AM211:15PM 11:30AM1211:30PM11:30AM1211:30PM 11:45AM1211:45PM11:45AM11:45PM Total23221622Total19132023 Day13944Day23936 Jacobsen'sMarine 2/12/20142/13/2014 CountDate:CountDate: TimeInOutTimeInOutTimeInOutTimeInOut 12:00AM12:00PM1112:00AM12:00PM1 12:15AM12:15PM3212:15AM12:15PM1 12:30AM12:30PM112:30AM12:30PM41 12:45AM12:45PM3112:45AM12:45PM2 1:00AM1:00PM221:00AM1:00PM22 1:15AM1:15PM111:15AM1:15PM1 1:30AM1:30PM11:30AM1:30PM1 1:45AM1:45PM411:45AM1:45PM21 2:00AM2:00PM122:00AM2:00PM1 2:15AM2:15PM32:15AM2:15PM12 2:30AM2:30PM22:30AM2:30PM 2:45AM2:45PM212:45AM2:45PM 3:00AM3:00PM13:00AM3:00PM1 3:15AM3:15PM13:15AM3:15PM31 3:30AM3:30PM3:30AM3:30PM12 3:45AM3:45PM3:45AM3:45PM11 4:00AM4:00PM14:00AM4:00PM11 4:15AM4:15PM124:15AM4:15PM 4:30AM4:30PM24:30AM4:30PM 4:45AM4:45PM334:45AM4:45PM24 5:00AM5:00PM55:00AM5:00PM1 5:15AM5:15PM5:15AM5:15PM1 5:30AM5:30PM5:30AM5:30PM 5:45AM5:45PM5:45AM5:45PM 6:00AM6:00PM6:00AM6:00PM 6:15AM6:15PM6:15AM6:15PM 6:30AM6:30PM6:30AM6:30PM 6:45AM6:45PM6:45AM6:45PM 7:00AM7:00PM7:00AM7:00PM 7:15AM7:15PM7:15AM7:15PM 7:30AM7:30PM7:30AM7:30PM 7:45AM7:45PM7:45AM7:45PM AM18:00PM 8:00AM38:00PM8:00 8:15AM18:15PM8:15AM28:15PM 8:30AM18:30PM8:30AM28:30PM 8:45AM228:45PM8:45AM118:45PM 9:00AM219:00PM9:00AM219:00PM 9:15AM19:15PM9:15AM119:15PM 9:30AM119:30PM9:30AM19:30PM 9:45AM119:45PM9:45AM319:45PM 10:00AM210:00PM10:00AM1110:00PM 10:15AM210:15PM10:15AM1210:15PM 10:30AM110:30PM10:30AM110:30PM 10:45AM110:45PM10:45AM110:45PM 11:00AM111:00PM11:00AM211:00PM 11:15AM1311:15PM11:15AM111:15PM 11:30AM111:30PM11:30AM2111:30PM 11:45AM111:45PM11:45AM111:45PM Total18122826Total19121824 Day14638Day23736