19100 OCEAN AVE.PDFiiiiiiiiiiiiii
CA (=1LE—NO.
Critical Areas Checklist _
SiW Information (soils/topography/hydrology/vegetation) f 100 Oct �'�`�•
1. ...—Site Address/Location: Xd/3 EdE6A) /P 0W
2. Property Tax Account Number: fYIA ` ds
3:� 'Approximate`Site Size (acres or square feet): /2,000 S P .
4. Is this site currently developed? 4—yes; no.
If yes; how is site developed? K o A A,
5. Describe the general site topography: Check all that apply.
Flat: less than 5 -feet elevation change over entire site.
Rolling: slopes on site generally�less than 15% (a vertical rise,of 10 -feet over"a
-horizontal distaLhce of
• .f 'Fi...rt1'j�'.... .. 166 feet). i>.: ... .. .. _ -- <,3 ...-:'�....•
r' ..r • g ipc:Hilly: -rxt slopes present'on'site`of more than 15% aria less than 3096 (a veitical rise
F,:of 10 -feet over:a.6orimntal distanceof33 to 6&feet)_
' �%: � r iii •..' +xi- -, S�
Steep: grades of greater than.30% present on site (a vertical rise of 10 -feet over a
a , . horizontal distanceof less than 33 -feet).
~'t - Other (please describe): Fey:. e C n h /-/,//7 rcy rAI N A/ rx�'n
of fl'� tic s� o� �. c.�k i c l� I► is s /q- SJ9I�� -
6. Site contains areas of year-round standing water. ; Approx. Depth:
7. Site contains areas of seasonal standing water: v tai i ; Approx. Depth:
What season(s) of the year?
8. Site is in the floodway floodplain of a water course.
9. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds surface? Flows are year-
round? f � Flows are seasonal? (What time of year? IV
10. Siteisprunarily: forested ; meadow ; shrubs mixed
urban landscaped (lawn,shr ubs etc)
I L - Obvious wetland is present on site: ' _.
For City Staff Use Only
- iA6 is Zoned?
mapped SOLI type(s)? Nl
3 ::;Vetlaad inventory or C.A. map indicates wetland present on site?. t�
4 ? ` Gitical �Aieas inventory or C.A. map indicates`Critical Area on site? p
tu'wid""ilesignated earth subsidence:lindslide'tiazard area? -
b ' krtx deli tsd.on:tlie F,nvirobmeatall �ettsidve Areas M',c+ '-'
rirll.':•:v Fi•'r :<%ii __yr ii+.,.}::^F. Lv: . Y.` r,ih ; t. P � \, F;; ..W P f i r �•ee�... k •� + '' K... P' ..
Renewed by >\ x
Bnnef -r n. �n cr}2�j . ` . � ;. Date „ rl jNnFt-1
e t•° A- 7>• e• .rr"'k.�'.'ri`7TWyrrn'�' 'u•s�+y'3t. ^a G 8 S'
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'60"o, 11RECE IVD,
'JUN 0,
City ds V,
of k1mon
Critical. ;y:��s#���p�;,:��: �:.._:>> ;,���
Areas., Gh, CkliQP
The Critical Areas Cheddist CbfiWoido
'City." ndcity*ill:7
; I
precursory' :.site this form. is,*.tc)i.bp-;#Ik;4,"jby;-any4peporrA�� t�olbviewlft
preparing a Development permit ination of the
0:01"6M, RMIRM, coessary mpl6t6 'ii
Application for the
to rf. a-develo menupdm -:-tipp]
permit to the City.'.,V
a A
yia thisform,
The purpose of the s to i6nabk� With �Wricant should also submit a,
vicinity map
staff determine wheth&anjN- -_J-i_-'i-�'_-;or01ot,Plan .for individual lots -of the parcel
potential Critical Areas are or -maybe with enough detail that City staff can find
present on the, subject property- The and identify the subject parcel(s). In
information needed to complete the
ad!KfiPn, the applicant shall include..
Checklist should be'ea saly *'available from other Pertinent information (e.g. site
observations of the site or data available at_.______._plan.. topography ,� ., , 1, - - , .,.
m2p, etc-) or studies in
City Hall (Critical Areas inventoriesi. �CcRlunctioii'With thi§"C. heWijt1-t6'jgijt
orsoil survey-)
fltf(krli,� fo� "pigin&theiripreli
mssessment of(the site.
An a0plicant.-or'hiii1er
representative, lxl-;
t. nlua.fill _out ,bi
e aeqklist;.'-sigfi,an' "dili4iAi-rYWRAN
I have completed the .attached ,Critical-AreatChec)divand aftest . 16�tfiean' 7:
factual,to •the best-of-my-knowledge.-(fill,6 ut,
. Wemn below)
Owner/ Appllic.ant:- ......
A recant-, Representatim.
Kl� -TAr �,_11
♦:71 ,l "I
At a -noL A) A rA"Z, bo
rc. Nam
4l U Ai e /'Sep