2006-0654 Oates ESLHA SFR 3rd review.doc City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 9 DATE: March 12, 2007 TO: Jim Thomas Fax (425)252-6911 FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Examiner RE: Plan Check # 2006-0654 Project: Oates SFR (ESLHA) th Project Address: 7400 158 ST W During re-review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator. 3/12/07 See attached additional consultant comments. See attached comments. Please 1) respond to each item in writing.. Geotechnical review of ECDC 19.10 and 23.80 under separate cover. 3/12/07 Still need stamped and signed calculations to justify detail provided. Provide stamped 2) and signed shoring details and calculations. Provide grading plan showing 1:1 slopes and/or temporary shoring as noted in letter dated April 21, 2006 by Dennis Bruce, P.E. Also, have Geotech review the revised plan for compliance with his recommendations. ok 3) 4)ok 5)ok ok 6) 7)ok 3/12/07 Still need stamped and signed design calculations for proposed rockery regardless of 8) height. Geotechnical Engineer of Record referenced City of Edmonds Standard Rockery details. This detail specifically states in the corner that it is not applicable to the ESLHA. Please provide new stamped and signed details and calculations from the Geotechnical Engineer of Record as required in the Rockery Handout. Per our Rockery Handout (attached) all rockeries located in the ESLHA are required to be design consistent to ECDC chapter 23.80 including design calculations stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer. Submit details and design calculations for all proposed rockeries and reference detail on the site plan. 9)ok 10)ok 11)ok 3/12/07 Form will need to be signed by the General Contractor prior to permit issuance. Still 12) Need. Special inspections are required for the following. Complete the enclosed special inspection agreement signed by the owner, the general contractor and the special inspector and submit to the City for approval prior to issuance.  Start of Work Letter from Geotechnical Engineer of Record  General site monitoring by Geotechnical Engineer of Record  Excavation/Grading/Site Preparation  Soil bearing verification  Temporary Shoring  Structural fill placement and compaction  Rockery/retaining wall construction including drainage  Footing drains and subsurface drainage  Temporary and Final erosion control  Final geotech construction report Page 2 of 2