20060654 Oates review 1.doc City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Plan Review Comments Plan Check : Date: # 20060654 11 Jul 06 th Project Name/Address: Oats 7400 158 St SW Contact Person/Address/Fax: fax/address : Jim Thomas : 2221 Everett Ave #201 Everett, WA 98021 Reviewer: Division:Engineering Lyle Chrisman, Engineering Program Manager The subject application has been reviewed but cannot be completed until the following items have been addressed/corrected. Please resubmit 3 sets of revised drawings to a Development Services Permit Coordinator. Sheet SP-1 1. Show the location and size of the water service from main to the house plus water meter. 2. Show the location of the side sewer. 3. Show footing drains and connection point on the outflow side of the control structure. th 4. The proposed rockery shown on 158 St SW must be set back from the right-of-way equal to the height. Also the rockery cannot support a surcharge nor exceed 3’ in height in the setback or if supporting fill. 5. Provide top and toe elevations of rockey and toe elevations of retaining wall. 6. Show proposed grades. 7. Indicate the driveway width. th 8. Widen the east bound travel lane on158 St SW to 12’ from the pavement centerline along the entire property frontage. 9. A utility easement for the fire hydrant will be required. I will prepare and get the easement recorded. Sheet C2 10. Detention structure: 9” minimum clearance is required between bottom of restrictor and catch basin. __________________(Attach fax transmittal) DATE FAXED PAGE ____ OF ___ C:\\Users\\cockrum\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\20060654 Oates review 1.doc_155364\\20060654 Oates review 1.doc