20060721075837.pdfMessage Page i of 7 Harrison, Marie From: Gebert, David Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 4:25 PM To: Harrison, Marie Cc: Graf, Jeannine; Bowman, Duane; Haakenson, Gary; Sims, Don; Chrisman, Lyle; 'Snyder, Scott' Subject: FW: Paradise Lane Developers agreement -McCormick Medical Building Marie, Jon McCormick has agreed to the terms of our developers agreement for the McCormick Medical Building. Please issue his permit. Thanks, Dave -----Original Message ----- From: Jon McCormick [mailto:jon@mccmed.com] Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 3:45 PM To: Gebert, David Subject: RE: Paradise Lane Developers agreement Dave, I will agree to pay the city $2400 and forget about my re-engineering costs. Please issue the permit. Jon McCormick From: Gebert, David [mailto:Gebert@ci.edmonds.wa.us] Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:04 PM To: Jon McCormick Cc: Bowman, Duane; Chrisman, Lyle; Sims, Don; Graf, Jeannine Subject: RE: Paradise Lane Developers agreement Jon, It looks like we are at an impasse on this developer agreement. The City will not agree to compensate you for your redesign costs and we will not execute a developer agreement with the knowledge that you will be submitting a claim for the redesign costs. You would have had to redesign your parking lot layout and parking lot entrance to avoid the costly relocation of the utility pole that interfered with your initial driveway approach layout as shown on your initial plans anyway, whether or not we were doing a developer agreement for the mini -park ..... or you would have had to incur the significant cost to relocate the pole. Furthermore, we believe the $5,000 number you have provided for your redesign costs is excessive for any redesign effort required to revise the layout of your parking lot and the location of the parking entrance. You plans were not complete when the concept of the mini -park was proposed. The effort to redesign the parking lot layout and entrance should have been significantly less than $5,000. Please note that the redesign we are talking about should only include the redesign costs actually caused by the need to rearrange the parking lot and entrance,.... not any design costs required to complete your plans or revise your plans to respond to City review comments. So, we see two options to get this resolved: 7/21/2006 Message Page 2 of 7 1. Either you agree to the conditions outlined in my July 19, 2006 e-mail, including that you will not submit a claim for redesign and other costs, or 2. We forget about the developer agreement and you install all required frontage improvements, including but not limited to sidewalk, driveway curb cut, trim vegetation in right of way per your engineer's original recommendation, and right of way restoration. The City will then do whatever work is necessary to build our mini -park and/or provide suitable right of way revisions to accommodate your parking lot and entrance layout as currently designed. The choice is yours. Please let us know which option you choose. If you choose option 2, we can redline your drawings accordingly and issue your permit. Dave -----Original Message ----- From: Jon McCormick [mailto:jon@mccmed.com] Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:32 AM To: Gebert, David Cc: Warrenlafon@earthlink.net Subject: RE: Paradise Lane Developers agreement Dave, 1. 1 agree with the $2400 figure. 2. 1 do expect the city to compensate me for the architect, and re-engineering fees I incurred as a result of this city project. 1 will submit a claim for this, the amount will not exceed $5,000 3. 1 will sign the developer agreement. 4. Question 1. Jon McCormick, an individual Question 2. McCormick Medical Building Please do your best to get the permit released, as I was promised that this development agreement would not hold up my permit. The delays as a result of this re-engineering are proving to be very costly to me. Sincerely, Jon McCormick From: Gebert, David [mailto:Gebert@ci.edmonds.wa.usj Sent: Wed 7/19/2006 11:57 AM To: Jon McCormick Cc: ; Chrisman, Lyle; Sims, Don; Bowman, Duane; Graf, Jeannine; Harrison, Marie; Umbaugh, Theresa; Zulauf, JoAnne Subject: RE: Paradise Lane Developers agreement Jon, To confirm our telephone conversation this morning, your permit is ready to be issued as soon as we have agreement on the terms of the developer agreement. What we need from you is an e-mail stating the following: 7/21/2006 Message Page 3 of 7 1. You agree with the $2,400 number for paragraph 6.2. and no compensation paid to you by the City for re-engineering. 2. You will not submit a separate claim for re-engineering or other costs. 3. You agree to the other terms of the developer agreement and will sign the agreement. Also, I still need the answers to questions #1 and #2 in my e-mail dated June 5, 2006 so I can finalize the agreement and get it to the City Council for approval. In our phone conversation, you indicated that you don't necessarily agree to not submit a claim for re- engineering and other costs and that you will submit a dollar number to us for consideration. Dave -----Original Message ----- From: Gebert, David Sent: Friday, July 3.4, 2006 4:3.3 PM To: 'Jon McCormick' Cc: Warrenlafon@earth link. net; Chrisman, Lyle; Sims, Don; Bowman, Duane; Graf, Jeannine; Harrison, Marie; Umbaugh, Theresa; Zulauf, JoAnne Subject: RE: Paradise Lane Developers agreement Jon, No, we don't want a separate claim regarding redesign costs. The language of the developer agreement is based upon incorporating your re-engineering costs into the agreement. Please see paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 of the developer agreement. In your tally of costs, the amounts you have indicated are reasonable and acceptable for those items (i.e., demo of existing sidewalk, construction of new sidewalk, and curb cut). However, you have omitted the costs that will be eliminated for you or for work the City will do for you for the following: • Relocation of the power pole (requirement eliminated) - We estimate the value of this to be approximately $7,000 • Tree trimming/removal for sight distance (eliminated) - We estimate the value of this to be about $1,000 • Right of way restoration (reduced and City to do final restoration) - We estimate the value of this to be about $500 As I indicated in my e-mail to you dated June 5, 2006, we recognize that you may have opted to revise the design of your parking lot anyway (i.e., independent of this developers agreement) to avoid the need to relocate the power pole and, therefore, are willing to consider the redesign costs as offsetting or avoiding the $7,000 cost to relocate the power pole. After further consideration, we also recognize that by redesigning your parking loft to avoid relocating the power pole, you could have avoided the majority, if not all, of the tree trimming/removal. Therefore, if you are willing to consider your re-engineering costs as offset by your avoidance of the cost to relocate the power pole and the tree trimming/removal, we are willing to consider that the only additional cost to address is the $500 for right of way restoration. This would result in a total net cost that you would contribute to the City of $2,400 and no compensation paid to you by the City for re-engineering. We could agree with this number. 7/21/2006 Message 7/21/2006 Page 4 of 7 Jon, also, unless you provided answers to Jeanie and I am not aware of it, I still need answers to my questions #1 and #2 in my e-mail dated June 5, 2006. If we can get these issues resolved, we can proceed with finalizing the agreement to take to the City Council for approval. Also, we have completed our Engineering Division review of your latest resubmittal, and understand from the Permit Coordinator that your permit is ready to issue as soon as we have reached agreement on the above. Dave ----- Original Message ----- From: Jon McCormick [mailto:jon@mccmed.com] Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 10:17 AM To: Gebert, David Cc: Warrenlafon@earthiink.net Subject: RE: Paradise Lane Developers agreement Dave, I will submit a separate claim to Edmonds for the re-engineering work required to accommodate the city development. To come up with a hard dollar figure to mitigate work the city is doing on my behalf, the work consists of the following: 1. Demolition of existing sidewalk $500 2. Construction of new sidewalk. $1000 3. Curb cut $400 Therefore I will contribute $1, 900.00 towards the project. Sincerely, Jon McCormick From: Gebert, David[mailto:Gebert@ci.edmonds.wa.us] Sent: Mon 7/10/2006 $:36 AM To; Jon McCormick Cc: Chrisman, Lyle; Sims, Don; Subject: FW; Paradise Lane Developers agreement Jon, How are you coming on a dollar amount for the developer agreement? We need to be moving forward to get Council approval on the agreement. Dave -----Original Message ----- From: Jon McCormick [mailto:jon@mccmed.com] Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 3:05 PM Message To: McConnell, Jeanie Subject: RE: Paradise Lane Developers agreement Page 5 of 7 Will do. The only holdup has been the engineering firm fees associated with the re- design. Should have that figured out soon. Jon From: McConnell, Jeanie [mailto:Mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us] Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 12:54 PM To: Jon McCormick Cc: Sims, Don; Gebert, David; McConnell, Jeanie Subject: RE: Paradise Lane Developers agreement Jon, Please let Dave and I know as soon as you have a dollar amount that you think is reasonable, as well as an explanation as to how you arrived at that amount. As soon as an agreeable number has been reached and the Development Agreement is signed we will forward to City Council for approval. Thank you, Jeanie 7/21/2006 --Original Message From: Jon McCormick [mailto:jon@mccmed.com] Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 3:17 PM To: McConnell, Jeanie Subject: RE: Paradise Lane Developers agreement am in agreement, and would be willing to sign with the exception of my contribution to the city. I am still working on this. Jon From: McConnell, Jeanie [mailto:Mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:19 AM To: Jon McCormick Cc: warrenlafon@earthlink.net Subject: FW: Paradise Lane Developers agreement Good morning Jon, I'm just following up on the this e-mail sent to you by Dave Gebert, City Engineer. We would like to keep moving forward with our end of the project, but need a response from you before we can do so. Please provide a response as soon as possible or contact Dave Gebert or myself should you have any questions. Sincerely, Message Jeanie 9VcConneCf Engineering Technician 425-77.1-0220, epi. 1338 'FAX - 425-77.1-0.22.1 wcconneff@dedmontL.wa.us -----Original Message ----- From; Gebert, David Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 1:34 PM To: 'jon@mccmed.com' Cc: 'Warrenlafon@earthlink.net; Sims, Don; McConnell, Jeanie; Chrisman, Lyle Subject: Paradise Lane Developers agreement <<Paradise Lane, developer agrmt, Rev 4, June 5, 06.DOC» Jon, Page 6 of 7 Thank you for bringing in your comments on the proposed developer agreement on June 1 st. Attached is a revised draft with your comments incorporated as well as a few more revisions we have made. The revisions are highlighted. A couple questions for you: 1. In paragraph 1.2 it says that "'Developer' shall mean , a Washington 1 am assuming that we should put your name in the first blank (and have done so in the attached draft), but for the second blank, are you developing this project as an individual, a corporation, etc.? 2. In paragraph 1.2 and elsewhere in the agreement we refer to the project as the "McCormick Medical Building", but I want to make sure we have the correct project title because there are several names used on various documents in the file including McCormick Medical Office and McCormick Medical Dist. What is the correct title you would like us to use? 3. Also, we have taken a look at the $1,000 figure you propose for paragraph 6.2. As I indicated to you in our discussions, we certainly want to be reasonable in arriving at an appropriate number for this, but we need to make sure that the number is in fact reasonable and appropriate, and that this agreement does not result in a contribution of public funds to accomplish work that you are required to do on your private project. Accordingly, the following are the cost factors and estimated amounts that we see: Additional costs to your project: Redesign of parking lot configuration: $1,000 Reduction in costs to your project due to elimination of requirement and/or City 7/21/2006 Message Page 7 of 7 to accomplish work: Power pole relocation (eliminated) -$7,000 Tree trimming/removal (eliminated) -$1,000 Right of way restoration (reduced and City to do final restoration) - $500 Demo asphalt walkway (City to do) -$500 New asphalt walkway (City to do) -$1,000 New curb cut for driveway (Eliminated at current sidewalk -$400 location and City to do at new location) Subtotal reduction -$10,400 Net reduction in cost to your project -$9,400 However, we also recognize that you may have opted to revise the design of your parking lot anyway (i.e., independent of this developers agreement) to avoid the need to relocate the power pole and, therefore, are willing to consider the redesign costs as offsetting or avoiding the $7,000 cost to relocate the power pole. This would reduce the estimated cost reduction to your project (or the estimated value of your project work requirements that will be eliminated and/or accomplished by the City) to $3,400. Therefore, we consider $3,400 to be a more reasonable and appropriate number for paragraph 6.2 in the agreement. Please review these numbers and the attached revised developers agreement and let us know if you agree. If so, we will finalize the agreement for your signature and place it on the Council agenda for approval. Thank you Dave 7/21/2006