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July 19, 2006
Ann Bullis
City of Edmonds, Building Division
12151h. Avenue North
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Re: City of Edmonds Plan Check 2006-0752, Edmond Home Health & Hospice TI
Dear Ann,
JU,L. 20 200 2
Pursuant to your 07.17.06 plan check letter Item No. 8, the following is a narrative of the existing construction, and proposed
improvements to meet the criteria of the International Building Code, 2003 Edition, Section 3409.6. This section and corresponding
Exception No.1 is as follows:
3409.6 Alterations affecting an area oontaining a primary function. Where an alteration affects the accessibility to, or
contains an area of primary function, the route to the primary function area shall be accessible. The accessible route
to the primary function area shall include toilet facilities or dinking fountains serving the area of primary function.
Exception Noll: The costs of providing the accessible route are not required to exceed 20 percent of the costs of the
alterations affecting the area of primary function.
It is our understanding that this code section requires the expenditure of 0 o 20 -percent of the proposed construction budget in
improving accessibility to tate `primary function' of Suites 1018102 and supporting toilets and drinlang fountains. The site is located on
the first floor of the existing Steven's Professional Center which incorporates existing accessible components on the property. This
includes the following:
• A level, dedicated access path from the public right-of-way to the building
• Recently improved accessible parking stalls including van accessible stalls
• Recently improved striped walkways from these stalls to the building perimeter
• Curb cuts to the pedestrian walking surface
• Smooth and level walking surfaces to the entry doors of both suites.
• Recently added common use accessible toilet rooms and drinking fountain on the same floor accessed from both suites
vla smooth and level surfaces.
We propose that access to primary function elements required by Section 3409.6 are met with the existing construction. Yet, field
surveying of the site shows the entry doors to both Suites 101 and 102 do not have compliant door hardware. We therefore propose the
addition of replacing the entry hardware at these entry doors. With this additional scope of work we propose the direction and intent of
Section 3409.6 Is met
Please do not hesitate to call with questions or discuss further.
Best Regards,
Rocky Sheldon
Sheldon Architecture
2144 Westlake Avenue North Suite F; Seattle, Washington 98109 (Q206.625. 1000/(1'