2006076 (s-06-72)kragseth plt.doc
Name: KRAGSETH File No.: PLN20060076 (S-06-72)-
Reviewed by: Vicinity: 22706 95PL W
Engineering Division date
Req’d prior Req’d Bond Complete
to recording w/bldg. posted
1. Rights-of-way for public streets:
No street dedication required X
2. Easements (City utilities, private access, other utilities):
Provide all easements as needed. X
All lots shall all access off the private driveway. X
Private access easement shall be 15.0 feet in width. X
3. Street improvements (ACP with curb and gutter):
Existing curb and gutter. X
Private driveway serving both lots shall be paved to 12.0’ in X
width, plus 18” asphalt thickened edge. 6” concrete extruded
curb may be used.
Slope of private driveway shall not exceed 14% X
4. Street turnaround:
Provide on-site turn around to City Stds. X
5. Sidewalks and/or walkways:.
Existing sidewalk. X
6. Street lights:
7. Planting strip:
8. Water system improvements (pipelines, fire hydrants,
pump stations, etc)
Developer must enter into an Extension agreement with X
Olympic View Water and Sewer District
Provide new water service to each lot. X
Connect to public water system. X
C:\\Users\\mcadmin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2006076 (s-06-72)kragseth plt.doc_155718\\2006076 (s-06-72)kragseth plt.doc form revised: 11/15/05
Req’d prior Req’d Bond Complete
to recording w/bldg. posted
9. Sanitary sewer system improvements (pipelines, pump
stations, etc.)
Developer must enter into an Extension agreement with X
Olympic View Water and Sewer District.
Provide new sewer service to each lot X
Connect to public sewer system X
10. Storm sewer system improvements (pipelines, pump
stations, etc).
Provide new storm sewer service to all proposed lots. X
Construct storm detention system sized to provide adequate X
capacity for all proposed single family dwellings and access
improvements in accordance with ECDC 18.30.
Connect to Public Storm system X
11. On-site drainage (plan per Ord. 3013):
Connect all new impervious surfaces to detention system. X X
12. Underground wiring (per Ord. 1387):
Required for all new services X X
13. Excavation and grading (per IBC, appendix j (2003
Submit a grading plan as part of engineered site plan. X
Grading for foundations to be included with building permit X
14. Signage (per City Engineer):
Provide fire and aid address signage X
15. Survey monumentation (per Ord., Section 12.10.120):
16. As-built drawings (per City Engineer):
Required for all utility construction. X X
17. Other requirements:
a) Plat showing lots, easements, legals, survey information X X
b) Legal documents for each lot X
c) Field stake lot corners (by professional surveyor) X
d) Field stake utility stubs at property lines. X
e) Clustered mailbox location per Postmaster X
f) Maintenance agreements X
C:\\Users\\mcadmin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2006076 (s-06-72)kragseth plt.doc_155718\\2006076 (s-06-72)kragseth plt.doc form revised: 11/15/05
Req’d prior Req’d Bond Complete
to recording w/bldg. posted
18. Engineering fees:
a) Storm development charge (access only)
$428/lot X
b) Storm drainage connection fee (sfr)
c) Sewer connection fee: OVWSD X
d) Water connection fee: OVWSD X
e) Water meter fee – ¾” meter: OVWSD X
$840.72/ new lot $ X
f) Traffic mitigation fee
$860 X
g) Plat review fee ($860 per short plat)
$ X
h) Short plat inspection fee(2.2% of improvement costs) none
The Engineering requirements have been completed and the subdivision can be recorded.
Authorized for recording by: Date:
C:\\Users\\mcadmin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2006076 (s-06-72)kragseth plt.doc_155718\\2006076 (s-06-72)kragseth plt.doc form revised: 11/15/05