20060824152342.pdfOV EDS City of Edmonds O Av.P`� PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION Esr l8ao (425)771-0220 DATE: August 24, 2006 TO: John's Lawn Care Services customerservice@hohnlcs.com FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Ex ne RE: Plan Check # 2006-0951 Project: Suarez Deck Project Address: 7421 Meadowdale Beach Rd. During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator. 1) Complete section view, framing and foundation plans are required for proposed deck. See attached handout for sample plans and minimum submittal requirements (note these are sample plans only and can not be used as construction plans). A complete review of the deck could not be done at this time. Please note once framing plans are received it is likely that there will be additional corrections/comments. 2) Lot slope exceeds 40% so a complete soils report is required for the proposed deck area. Please provide 3 copies of complete soils report complying with IRC chapter 4 (see attached section for minimum report requirements) as well as the planning department's requirements specified in Meg Gruwell, Senior Planner's comments dated 8/22/06. Coordinate foundation plan with Gcotechnical Engineer's requirements. 3) Site plans on file from original house construction shows rockeries around the location of the new deck. Please show any rockeries on the site plan. If they are in close proximity to the decks then the Geotechnical Engineer of Record will need to address deck footing location in relation to rockeries to assure that the proposed deck footings are not placing a surcharge on the existing rockery. SOILS INVESTIGATION AND/OR REPORT (Cont.) The classification of bearing soil at the site -must be determined and called out on the plans. The following information from IRC Table R401.4.1, will assist individuals in determining the soil classification of the building site. The Building Official may require this classification to be made by a Washington State licensed Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist in a written report when soils are not adaptable to conventional spread footings or if allowable foundation and lateral pressures do not meet the values set forth in the table below. The allowable foundation and lateral pressures may not exceed the values in this table, unless data to substantiate the use of higher values is submitted. Sidehill or steep slope construction IS NOT considered conventional construction and soils reports are required for lots with 15% or more slope, unless determined unnecessM by the Building Official. For more specific and technical information on soil capacity, foundation design and construction components, refer to IBC Chapter 18 and IRC Chapter 4 or contact a professional engineer. TABLE R401.4.1 PRESUMPTIVE LOAD-BEARING VALUES OF F01INnATInN MATT+RTA1..C' For SI: 1 pound per square foot= 0.0479 Mrn2. a. When soil tests are required by Section R401.4, the allowable bearing capacities of the soil shall be part of the recommendations. b. Where the building official determines that in-place soils with an allowable bearing capacity of less than 1,500 psf are likely to be present at the site, the allowable bearing capacity shall be detennined by a soils investigation. When soils reports are required, they shall include the following: 1. A plot plan showing the location of test borings and/or excavations. 2. A complete record of the soil samples. 3. A record of the soils profile. 4. Elevation of the water table, if encountered. 5. Recommendations for foundation type and design criteria, including but not limited to: bearing capacity of natural or compacted soil; provisions to mitigate the effects of expansive soils; mitigation of the effects of liquefaction, differential settlement an carrying soil strength, the effects of adjacent loads, and foundation drainage. 6. Expected total and differential settlement. 7. Pile and pier foundation information in accordance with IBC Section 1808.2.2. S. Special design and construction provisions for footings or foundations founded on expansive soils, as necessary. 9. Compacted fill material properties and testing in accordance with IBC Section 1803.5. NOTE: Report recommendations shall be incorporated into the foundation design. 4. DRAINAGE PLAN (See Handout #E72) Development of over 2,000 square feet of new impervious area since July 1977 requires an on-site drainage system. Impervious area includes: building pad with eave overhangs, paved or graveled areas, solid surface decks, patios, walkways, breezeways, awnings, accessory structures, sidewalks, and driveways. Submit three (3) drainage plans, scaled 1 "-20', showing all impervious area with square footages as well as the location of the proposed drainage detention system. Attach three (3) copies of the drainage worksheet (See Handout #E72). Note: The plan must provide for temporary and permanent erosion control and must include footing drain details. 3 L:ITEMPIBUILDINGIHANDOUT ICODESISFR 1373.130C Revised 5106 LOAD-BEARING PRESSURE CLASS OF lVIATERML(pounds per square foot Crystalline bedrock 12,000 Sedimentary and foliated rock 4,000 Sandy gravel and/or gravel (GW and GP) 3,000 Sand, silty sand, clayey sand, silty gravel and clayey gravel 5W, SP, SM, SC, GM and GC 2,000 Clay, sandy clay, silty clay, clayey silt, silt and sandy silt (Cl, ML, MH and CH) 1,500 For SI: 1 pound per square foot= 0.0479 Mrn2. a. When soil tests are required by Section R401.4, the allowable bearing capacities of the soil shall be part of the recommendations. b. Where the building official determines that in-place soils with an allowable bearing capacity of less than 1,500 psf are likely to be present at the site, the allowable bearing capacity shall be detennined by a soils investigation. When soils reports are required, they shall include the following: 1. A plot plan showing the location of test borings and/or excavations. 2. A complete record of the soil samples. 3. A record of the soils profile. 4. Elevation of the water table, if encountered. 5. Recommendations for foundation type and design criteria, including but not limited to: bearing capacity of natural or compacted soil; provisions to mitigate the effects of expansive soils; mitigation of the effects of liquefaction, differential settlement an carrying soil strength, the effects of adjacent loads, and foundation drainage. 6. Expected total and differential settlement. 7. Pile and pier foundation information in accordance with IBC Section 1808.2.2. S. Special design and construction provisions for footings or foundations founded on expansive soils, as necessary. 9. Compacted fill material properties and testing in accordance with IBC Section 1803.5. NOTE: Report recommendations shall be incorporated into the foundation design. 4. DRAINAGE PLAN (See Handout #E72) Development of over 2,000 square feet of new impervious area since July 1977 requires an on-site drainage system. Impervious area includes: building pad with eave overhangs, paved or graveled areas, solid surface decks, patios, walkways, breezeways, awnings, accessory structures, sidewalks, and driveways. Submit three (3) drainage plans, scaled 1 "-20', showing all impervious area with square footages as well as the location of the proposed drainage detention system. Attach three (3) copies of the drainage worksheet (See Handout #E72). Note: The plan must provide for temporary and permanent erosion control and must include footing drain details. 3 L:ITEMPIBUILDINGIHANDOUT ICODESISFR 1373.130C Revised 5106 #B21 city of edmonds. development information Deck Permit Submittal Requirements PERMIT REQUIRED: A permit is required for the construction, repair, replacement, relocation, addition or alteration of decks that are greater than 30 inches above finished grade_ EXEMPTED WORK: Uncovered decks, platforms and walkways not more than 30" above grade are exempt from permit requirements provided the property is not located in a designated critical area_ Contact the Planning Division for setback requirements for all zoning distracts_ CODES: International Building (IBC) and International Residential (IRC) Code (2003 Edition) Edmonds Community Development Code Chapter 16 FEE: Based on square footage SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Critical Areas Determination, issued by the Planning Division (See Handout #P20) 2. Plot Plan - Three (3) copies, scaled 1"=20' One (1) of the three plot plans must be no large than 81Z" x 14" See Attachment A) 3- Working Drawings - Two (2) complete sets with the following: a) Framing & Foundation Plan b) Section & Elevation View c) Construction Details d) Miscellaneous Information 4. Smoke Alarm Requirement L_1Temp1BUILDINGIHANDOUT 1CODESWECK 1321 _DOC Revised 7/44 PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS L CRITICAL AREAS CHECKLIST DETERMINATION (See Handout #P20) A Critical Areas Determination, issued by the Planning Division, most be completed and on file with the City. Provide applicable information as indicated by the decision. 2. PLOT PLAN ( See Attachment A) Three (3) copies, scaled 1 "=20', one (1) of the three plot plans must be no larger than 8%z" x 14" with the following 1) Property owner's name, tax account parcel number and street address. 2) North arrow designation, Scale 1 "= 20' and property lure dimensions_ 3) Streets, approaches, driveways, sidewalks, alleys, casements (public and private), street dedications and adjacent City right-of-way (developed or undeveloped). 4) Existing physical features and water courses of any size (i.e., streams, creeks, ponds, ditches, etc_)_ 5) Dimension the house and proposed deck and indicate setback distances to property lines. 3. WORKING DRAWINGS Two (2) copies of working drawings scaled 1/4"=1', with the following plan details: A. FRAMING & FOUNDATION PLAN "(See Attachment B) 1) Dimension existing and proposed deck. 2) Footing size and thickness (i.e. l8"x18"xl2" deep). 3) Joist size, species, span, spacing and direction. 4) Decking size, span and direction. 5) Post location, species, size and spacing_ 6) Beam size, species, span and spacing (submit beam calculations). 2) Indicate the species and grade of all lumber. S) Dimension required landings at the top and bottom of stairs. B. SECTION & ELEVATION VIEW (See Attachment C) 1) Footing detail for posts. 2) Guard detail (a guard is required to protect falls greater than 30", openings in the guard must. be spaced such that a 4" sphere may not pass through, minimum guard height 36"). 3) Windows or doors within five (5) feet of the side above or below the deck. L:1Tezrp\B1ALDINGIHANDOUT ICODESIDBCK B2 4 _DOC Revised W04 C. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (See Attachment B, . C & D_) 1) Connection of the deck to the existing structure (i.e. ledger size, type/size/spacing of fasteners)_ 2) Connection of posts and beams (post cap and post footing connector)_ 3) Stair construction (36" minimum stair width for residential) stair landing. 4) Pursuant to IRC Section 313. 1.1 the issuance of a deck permit requires smoke alarms (detectors) to be installed in all existing sleeping rooms. 5) Stair step rise and run (7-314" maximum rise and 10" minimum run permitted for residential use). Open risers permitted provided the opening between the treads does not permit the passage of a 4" diameter sphere. 6) Handrail required for four or more stair risers (handrail must be gripable 1-114" to 2" maximum in cross section and placed 34" to 38" above the stair nosing)_ 7) Deck ledger flashing. D. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 1) Wood exposed to weather must be pressure treated or naturally resistant to decay. 2), Decks attached to exterior walls shall be positively anchored for vertical and lateral loads. Attachment by toenails or nails not permitted. If positive connection cannot be accomplished, decks are required to be self-supporting. R502.2.1. 3) Decks shall be fastened to the structure with fastners not subject to withdrawal. R311.2. 4) Fastners for pressure treated wood shall be of hot dipped galvanized steel, all metal in contact must be galvanized to G1.85. Exception anchor bolts 1/2" or larger_ 4. SMOKE ALARM REQUIREMENT Pursuant to R313, battery operated smoke alarms (smoke detectors) shall be installed in each sleeping room, outside each separate sleeping area (i.e_, hallway), on each additional story of the dwelling, including basements and split level dwellings when work requiring a building permit is issued. NOTE: THE PURPOSE OF THIS HANDOUT IS TO ASSIST THE PUBLIC IN COMPLYING WITH DETAILED PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS_ IT IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST OF PERMIT OR CODE REQUIREMENTS AND SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER/DESIGN PROFESSIONAL TO REVIEW THE SUBMITTAL FOR COMPLETENESS. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY FOR REVIEW_ L:1Temp1BUILDINGIIIANDOUT ICODI SWECK B21.DOC . 3 Revised: 7104 Sample Deck Plot Plan -0 120' ---.--------------------------------------" ss i N i f f�Yi -yi Y �C I EXIvTlNC4�1E 1 iE LS �a� J/- E E 7 • T �t 4 iProperty Line � f L _ _ h��h;y.�...2c ... ...�. ... Y r...: A I .... .t. — - Property Owner= John Doe Property Address: 9923 Main Street Zone:, RS -6 ITEMPIBUILDINGJHANDOU /DECKISFrE.Ysd 8104 ATTACHMENT A Sample Framing/Foundation Plan 25•-0,• T-0,min. I Exterior Wall of House 60x68 Sliding Door 30x30 Fixed 40" Above deck surface Sample Stair Section Gripable handrail 1 `l. - 2" Max. Intermediate rails spaced so that a 4" sphere shall not pass through 10" min. ir� Rise=run-rail opening spaced so that a 6' sphere shall not pass through L-fiFMP/BUILDINGl1-1Ai .DOUTiDECKIFRAMESTR.vsd 8104 a E LL C [h sr 4" I-CO)i Positive Connection required at all posts and beams (see attached details) Gu Joist Hanger / (see attached details) Ledger with lag bolts (provide bolt sizelspacing Ledger Flashing required ** All wood exposed to weather shall be pressure treated or naturally resistant to decay o - �; Minimum design loads 40 p.s.f. *# provide size, spacing, wood species and grade for all framing members including joists, beams, posts, ledgers, decking and guardrails post -t( -concrete pier connection requited (see attached details) I I 1 I I I I I ** Foot -Ing s hall be laced on firm, p undisturbed, bearing soil (2000 p:s.f. min.) ::rrEnOisulLfllNG/iiAvootirroECKID CK-vsd 8104 ATTACHMENT C Typical Construction Connectors Post -Beam Connector Post -Pier Connectors Joist Hanger L=ltemp/building/handout/deck/connectl_vsd 8104 ATTACi-IMENT D