20060929133245.pdfo �.D City of Edmonds tp PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION Str. 1 sgo (425) 771-0220 DATE: September 29, 2006 TO: Tom Stevenson 17608 Larch Way Lynnwood, WA 98037 FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official JF RE: Plan Check # 2006-1058 Project: Olympic Baptist Church — Parking Lot Project Address: 8713 220th Street SW During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please submit 3 sets of revised plans/documents to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator 1. Accessible parking stall must be located as close to the building entrance(s) as possible. 2. Show the accessible path of travel from the parking stall to the building entrances (office, church, education building), and from the street to the building entrances. Show slopes, ramps, curb ramps, and dimensioned walkways, landings, and turning spaces, etc. Show all buildings and other existing parking lots and accessible parking stalls the plans for reference. 3. The accessible parking stall must be minimum 13 feet wide (8 foot wide stall and 5 foot adjacent access aisle). See enclosed handout. Dimension the stall and access aisle on the plans. 4. Label the accessible parking sign on the site plan and provide a detail (the enclosed handout can be used in the drawings, however it must be referenced on the site plan). 5. The catch basin would not be permitted to be located within the parking stall or access aisle, due to the slope and drain slots within the catch basin lid. 6. Clarify on the plans what landscaping is existing vs. proposed. 16'-6" I WED YI •V n Cr i . N � %rz i ] � .1 .� D/''�� ,£ , /t/`'?';i yES 4 m IF- -4 Cl) L" 03 W N Z 9. N i € S€.'F... `i#F '. "�: APs} 4_' 4T ?✓ x. �`- !`I' FY" r_. 77l . O { S O ME WED YI •V n Cr . to • • .1 , E' yES 4 CAI6g M -4 M L" 03 W N Z 9. moi+ M -4 M L" 4�6 W N Z 9.