20060955 michel-616 glen (3).pdf McConnell, Jeanie McConnell, Jeanie From: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:29 PM Sent: 'Dwight McGrew' To: McConnell, Jeanie; Umbaugh, Theresa Cc: 616 Glen Street Condos - bld20060955 Subject: Dwight, I've reviewed the resubmittal and have a question for you regarding the driveway off the alley. A1.1, South Elevation, provides an elevation at the alley of 81.835. Topos on sheet P2 however are not consistent with this elevation. The southern most topo provided on sheet P2 shows an elevation of 77. Please red line plans to provide consistent information between them, which will also allow us to confirm actual slope of the driveway. The slope may or may not exceed 14%. Thank you,