20061004155548.pdfo� EDo City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: October 4, 2006
TO: Bernard Hoover
bernjhoo(rr�j uno.com
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Exam'ner, ,
RE: Plan Check # 2006-1066
Project: Sutton Porch Roof
Project Address: 1228 9' Ave N.
During re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following inforxnation,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised
plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a
Permit Coordinator.
1) By my calculations the 4x8 beam will be over spanned. Upgrade to 4x 10 or provide calculations
to justify.
2) Proposed foundation support does not meet conventional construction. Revise to bear on
minimum 12xl2x12 poured concrete footings supported on firm bearing undisturbed soil or
provide calculations stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer.
3) Beam at existing porch post must bear directly on top of the post in order to meet conventional
construction. Revise plan or provide calculations stamped and signed by a Washington State
Licensed Professional Engineer for attachment.