20061009101851.pdfO City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION Est. 1s9° (425) 771-0220 DATE: October 9, 2006 TO: Shirley Miner Spin & Yarn FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official *_ RE: Plan Check # 2006-1097 Project: Spin & Yarn -- Change of Use from Office to Mercantile Project Address: 133 4fl' Ave N During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please submit 2 sets of revised plans/documents to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator. 1, Provide site plan (3 copies). See attached copies from City Commercial handout for minimum items that must be shown on the site plan. 2. Currently this is an office building (B occupancy designation in the building code) and you are proposing to change the use of the building to retail (M occupancy designation). In order to verify compliance for the new M occupancy, please provide the following information on the plans: a. Dimension distance of the building to the south property line. i. If it is less than 10 feet but more than 5 feet 1. The exterior wall must be rated to 1 -hour fire resistive construction from the inside of the building (such as 5/8" type x gypsum, or lath and plaster (minimum 3/4" thick plaster)). Contact me for more specific information. 2. The openings (doors and windows) cannot exceed 10 % of the wall area for each story. The floor plans show the width of the windows, but the height of the windows still needs to the shown on the floor plans so the wall area can be calculated. 3. Note the wall height for each story on the plans. ii. If it is 10 feet or greater, the exterior wall is not required to be fire rated and there is no opening limitation. iii. If it is 5 feet or less: 1. The exterior wall must berated to i -hour fire resistive construction from both sides (interior and exterior). Contact me regarding options for I -hour exterior wall construction. 2. No openings are permitted. 3. Verify that the plans submitted (copy of 1996 floor plans) are accurate with respect to accessibility, exiting, number of restrooms, door sizes, uses of space, stairways, ramps, fire extinguisher locations, etc. G. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN: (See Handout 9E81) Three (3) copies Attach two (2) copies of the Traffic Mitigation Study and proof of traffic mitigation payment made to the City. NOTE: After the Engineering Division review is complete, the Engineering Technician shall request that the mylars be submitted to the City Engineer to stamp "Approved for Construction". The Lead Design Professional for the project is responsible to coordinate any necessary revisions or dimension changes to the Architectural, Site or Landscape plans based on the approved Civil plans. An Engineer's Estimate or Subcontractor bids shall be submitted with the mylars for all on and off site improvements. The City shall use these figures to determine Engineering inspection fees and bonding requirements. Performance bonds are required to be posted with the City for all public improvements (see page 9 of this handout for more information on bonding)_ 3. SITE PLAN 11-3 Submit four (4) copies, scaled 1 "=20', qpg (41 of the fetir (4) site plans must be no larger_than S'/2" x 14" with the following: li)!-Cy 1-21,M:5N'-51 t�+,J FZ-,�W, 1. North arrow designation_ Identify and dimension all property lines, streets, alleys, and easements. Submit verification of rigbt to utilize easements. 2. Approaches, driveways, public sidewalks, required street dedications. Parking areas, existing and proposed. Ai,�o 1= C>hOt? /:;� AL -1W I IWO"67-xr-1, 3. Existing and proposed buildings, (a separate permit will be required for buildings that are to be moved or demolished). 4. Dimension all buildings; identify setback distances, accessory structures, decks, porches, and carports. Locate and detail the trash enclosure See Handout #E37. 5. Shover and dimension all projections, awnings, cantilevered structures, roof and chimney overhangs. 4. LANDSCAPE PLAN Submit three (3) copies, scaled 1"=20' (approved by Architectural Design Board) with the following: 1. Property lines, streets, alleys and easements, parking layout, circulation, driveway location, parking stalls, accessible parking, path of travel and striping. 2. Existing on-site vegetation to remain, proposed plantings and planting medium. 3. A plant legend including common and botanical names; call out spacing, location, size, quantity and symbol of all proposed plantings. 4. Irrigation sprinkler location (a separate permit from Public Works is required). 5. Proposed or existing physical elements such as fencing, screening, retaining walls, rockeries, signs and designated open space. Streams, creeks or ponds that cross or abut the property. Locate and detail the trash enclosure See Handout #E37- 6. Location, type and wattage of exterior lighting, include parking garages and walkways, lots or striped surfaces, attach two (2) copies of a lighting budget per WSEC NREC Chapter 15. 7. Curbs where paving abuts landscaping, detail wheel stops, interior parking lot landscaping. NOTE: A performance bond for on and off site landscaping is required (based on the licensed subcontractor's bid) and must .be posted with the City prior to permit issuance. It is the lead design professional's responsibility to ensure that the approved landscape plan is consistent with other approved site development plans and it is highly recommended that an overlay be done to eliminate plan discrepancies. LATEMMU1LDiNGUHANDOUT 1CODESICOMMNEW B18.DOC 5 D. STORM DRAINAGE PLAN: Submit four (4) copies of storm drainage plans, refer to Storm Water Management and Erosion & Sedimentation Control Handout (#E72) for general information for small projects and ECDC Chapter 18.30 for large developments. Contact a City Engineering Technician for specific questions. E. PARKING PLAN: Submit fptif copies, scaled 17=20', stamped b a Washington State i ► Licensed Professional Engineer with the following. y 1) Existing and proposed off street parking facilities, driveways, pedestrian, bike and transit accessways including; sidewalk locations, bike rack locations, pedestrian circulation within parking lot, proposed lighting standards, connections to adjacent properties, public safety features, connection from parking to building entrances and nearest street intersection(s)- 2) Parking layout and circulation plan including; fire lanes, accessible drop off zones, truck delivery areas and turning radii and ramps. Locate and dimension all parking stalls, dimension and detail required accessible spaces, aisles, striping and traffic circulation patterns. Note, in understructure parking applications all structural columns shall be clearly identified and dimensioned on the parking plan_ 3) Show compliance to IBC Chapter I I and Appendix E for Accessibility. Detail curbing, ramps, signage, site and building access, parking spaces, pedestrian site and building access, etc. Locate and detail the trash enclosure See Handout #E37_ F GRADING/SHORING PLAN: Submit four (4) copies, scaled 1 "=20', stamped by a Washington State Licensed Engineer with the following: 1) Existing and proposed contours at two (2) foot intervals as established by the Topographical Map. Distinguish between areas of 15% to 30% slope and slopes of 30% or greater. Provide section cuts at all property lines including adin calculations. 2) Specify the amount of cubic yards to be cut, excavated, removed, moved or filled. Specify the quantity of excavation and embankment, surplus or unsuitable soil to be exported and/or imported. (When grading exceeds 499 cubic yards an Environmental Checklist and SEPA review is required unless previously completed during the ADB process See Handout #P71). The grading quantity used for determining the grading fees and SEPA threshold shall be the larger of the volume of cut/excavation or the volume of fill, regardless of the location on site. 3) Provide driveway or entryway slope profiles, show finished grades and direction of drainage flow from buildings and parking areas_ 4) Indicate setbacks from top and toe of slopes and detail permanent slope protection measures. Include a detailed temporary erosion control plan. 5) Show retaining walls, rockeries (specify top and bottom elevations at 5'-0" intervals), surveyed flood plains, surface waters and wetlands_ Provide a tree cut plan for trees greater than 8" in diameter. b} A separate Shoring PIan, four (4) copies (stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Engineer) shall be submitted for property line cuts in excess of three (3} feet in height or when required by the Engineering in Engineer who prepared the soils report. Shoring for the sole purpose of erosion control does not require design calculations. Shoring for the purpose of retaining exposed cuts must provide two (2) copies of design calculations, stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer. Shoring is subject to outside peer review by a City consultant at ! full cost to the applicant. LATEWBUILDINGWANDOUT ICODEMCOMMNEW BI8.DOC D ---A llnc