20061012102502.pdfOV E.D City of Edmonds TP PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION Fst t g90 (425) 771-0220 DATE: October 12, 2006 TO: Maria Gareini Freiheit & Ho Architects FAX: 425-828-6899 FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official RE: Plan Check # 2006-1088 Project: Stevens Health Center -- Interior remodel (corridors) Project Address: 2170176' Ave W During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please submit written responses to the comments below, including where changes can be found on the plans, and 2 sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator. 1. Provide detailed scope of work on the coversheet of the plans. 2. The construction type for this building Type VA. Please revise the Type of Construction noted on the coversheet of the plans. 3. Note the listed and tested fire stopping assembly for detail 6/A6/0. 4. Provide fire stopping details and assemblies for other types of penetrations such as electrical, ducts, etc. 5. Show existing/proposed exit signage and emergency lighting locations, and specify power backup. 6. Provide manufacturer's information and detail for proposed fire/smoke damper at existing louver (electrical room) noted in DK -07 Sheet A9.0 7. Although mechanical is listed as a deferred submittal, since the mechanical system appears to be located within the corridor (below the 1 -hour lid, but above the unrated ceiling grid system) describe on the coversheet of the plans how the mechanical system will be altered to allow for corridor protection. 8. WAC 51-50 707.14.1 exception 5 allows elevator pressurization within a fully sprinkled building, however this is not a fully sprinkled building, so cannot be used. Installing additional doors (WAC 51-50 707.14.1 exception 3) was discussed previously as an exception to providing elevator lobbies (Dan Dallum's meeting notes from 12120105). Provide elevator lobby or meet a code exception from WAC 51- 50 707.14.