20061018142335.pdfor EDo City of Edmonds
�sr g90 (425) 771-0220
DATE: October 18, 2006
TO: Michael Elliott
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Exam' e
RE: Plan Check # 2006-1062
Project: Elliott SFR
Project Address: 7629 223rd St SW
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised
pians/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a
Permit Coordinator.
1) Specify on the site plan how far away the datum point is from the site. If it is located in the
intersection at 76th Ave W or is not visible from the site please choose an alternative closer
datum point and note on the plans so that the building inspector will be able to perform height
2) Specify on the elevation views the grade slope away from the building. If minimum 6" within
10' is not possible or habitable or useable space is below grade, foundation drainage is required.
Provide footing drain detail on foundation sections complying with R405.1 and show required
drain locations on the foundation plan.
3) It appears that there will be a site built shower. Provide construction details including shower
pan, slope, finished materials, etc.
4) Application form submitted checked one new furnace and 3 water heaters and specifies in -floor
hydronic heat. Please clarify. If 3 water heaters are in fact proposed please show location of all
three on the plans. Also, will a portion of the house be heated by hydronic heat while the rest is
heated by the furnace? Bathroom specifies electric radiant heat. Is that why hydronic heat was
checked or will there in fact be hydronic water pipes ran in the floor? Please clarify so
mechanical and plumbing fees are charged appropriately.
5) Provide calculations and stamped detail from the Engineer of Record for the connection of the
steel beam to the floor joists as well as to the post. Detail 6/A3 shows connection of beam to
joist. but no calculations were provided and detail is not stamped nor does it show connection to
wood post. This is required because the connection does not meet conventional construction.
6) Specify all posts required to support proposed girder trusses to verify how all loads are being
carried to bearing.
7) Minimum deck slope is 2% or r/4" per foot. Revise note on sheet A7.