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or EDS City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION Fsr, ts4° (425) 771-0220 DATE: October 20, 2006 TO: Tom and Sheila Haley 2210995 th P1 W Edmonds, WA 98020 FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Exam' er RE: Plan Check 4 2006-1127 Project: Halcy Addition Project Address: 22109 95th PL W During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator. 1) Specify on the elevation views the grade slope away from the building. If minimum 6" within 10' is not possible or habitable or useable space is below grade, foundation drainage is required. Provide footing drain detail on foundation sections complying with R405.1 and show required drain locations on the foundation plan. 2) On sheet A5 a 36" minimum hard surface landing is required along the bottom of the stairs. Specify how this will be maintained at the new proposed crawlspace access or relocate crawlspace access to accommodate. 3) Specify if master bedroom window meets the minimum egress requirements of IRC R310. Since work is being done in this room if it does not meet minimum egress requirements it will need to be replaced and/or lowered accordingly. 4) Show location of relocated water heater on the plans. 5) Hold down 2 specifies HTT2 or retro fit. Engineer of Record to specify retro fit holdown to be used or removed retro fit note. Epoxy requires special inspections for HTT2 or specified retro fit holdown. Complete the enclosed special inspection testing agreement form signed by the owner, special inspector and general contractor prior to permit issuance. 6) Add all applicable framing information to the roof framing plan (i.e girder trusses, beams, porch roof framing -beams and rafters, etc.) 7) Expand detail 2/A9 to show how porch rafters tie into the trusses. Detail as shown does not meet conventional construction. Revise detail or provide calculations stamped and signed Engineer of Record. 8) Engineer of Record to specify attachment of ledger in detail 11IA9 to foundation wall (size, length, minimum embedment, etc). This connection does not meet conventional construction. Also if epoxy or expansion anchors are used special inspections will be required. CITY OF EDMONDS SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING AGREEMENT The project at, I RV U) issued under building permit number — requires special inspection and/or testing per IBC Chapter 17. The complete'list of special inspections is attached to this document. BEFORE A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED: The owner and contractor and special inspector shall complete this agreement and the attached structural test(s) and inspections schedule including the required acknowledgements. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL INSPECTORS: Each special inspector shall be approved by the Building Official prior to performing any duties or inspections. Each special inspector shall submit Statement of Qualifications to the Building Official for review. Special inspectors shall display identification When performing special inspections on site. Special inspection and testing shall meet the minimum requirements of IBC Chapter 17 and the following: A. Duties and Responsibilities of the Special Inspector .1. Observe Work The special inspector shall observe the site work for conformance with the approved (stamped) plans and specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the IBC. Architect or Engineer reviewed shop drawings may be used only as an aid to inspection. Special Inspections are to be performed on a continuous basis—meaning that the special inspector is on site at all times observing the work requiring special inspection. Periodic inspections, if any, must have prior approval by the City based on a separate written plan reviewed and approved by the Building Official and the engineer or architect of record. 2. Report Non -conforming Items The special inspector shall bring non --conforming items to the immediate attention of the contractor and note all such items in the daily field report. Any item not resolved in a timely manner shall he immediate cause of the special inspector to notify the Building Official of the plan deviation, error, change or omission. It shall also be the duty of the special inspector to promptly notify the engineer or architect. 3. 'Complete Daily Reports Each special inspector shall complete and sign both the special inspection record.and the daily report form for each day's inspection. These records shall remain at the jobsite with the contractor for review by the City Building Inspector. 4. Furnish Weekly Reports The special inspector or inspection agency shall furnish the City with weekly reports of tests and inspections. The project engineer or architect, and others as designated shall also be copied on reports. Weekly reports must include the following: • Description of daily inspections and tests made with applicable locations • List of all non -conforming items Report on status of non -conforming items (resolved or unresolved) Itemized changes authorized by the Architect, Engineer and City if not included in non- conformance items. 5. Furnish Final Construction Report The special inspector or inspection agency shall submit a final signed report to the City stating that all items requiring special inspection and testing were fulfilled and reported. And, to the best of L:ITEMPTUILDING1SpeciallnspectionAgreementlBC.doe 7104 his/her knowledge the project is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications, approved change orders and the applicable workmanship provisions of the IBC. Items not in conformance or unresolved items or any discrepancies in inspection coverage, (i.e., missed inspections, periodic inspection when continuous inspections were required, etc.) shall be specifically itemized in this report. B. Contractor Responsibilities 1. Notify the Special Inspector It is the duty of the contractor to notify the special inspector when work is ready for special inspection. Note, the items listed on the attached schedule and as noted on the approved plans and specifications are required to have special inspections. Adequate notice shall be provided by the contractor so that the special inspector has time to become familiar with the project. 2. Provide Access to Approved Plans The contractor is responsible for providing the special inspector access to approved plans at,the jobsite. 3. Retain Special Inspection Records The contractor is responsible to retain at the jobsite all special inspection records submitted by the special inspector. These records are to be provided to the City building inspector upon request. C. City of Edmonds Building Department Responsibilities 1. Approve special inspectors or inspection agencies The building department shall approve all special inspectors and special inspection requirements. 2. Monitor special inspection and approve weekly reports Work requiring special inspection and the performance of special inspectors shall be monitored by the City Building Inspector. Ms/Her approval must be obtained prior to placement of concrete or other similar activities in addition to that of the special inspector. 3. Issue Certificate of Occupancy The Building Official may issue a Certificate of Occupancy after all weekly special inspection reports including the final report have been submitted and accepted. D. Owner Responsibilities The project owner or the engineer or architect of record acting as the owner's agent shall fund special inspection services. E. Engineer or Architect of Record Responsibilities The engineer or architect of record shall include special inspection requirements on the plans and specifications. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .I have read and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement. Owner Special Inspector General Contractor City Building Official L:ITEMI'1BUILDING1SpecialluspectionAgreementlBC.doe 7/04 Date Date Date Date SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE o>3tm�ntcEtenttrwtz PROJECrADDRM TESTfNG04SPECnONAGOCY-SWXX&LMSPECMR REINFORCED CONCRETE, GUNITE, GROUT AND MORTAR: STRUCTURAL STEELIWEI,DDVGr Ceo ttc Gnnite Grout Mortar —Sample andTest (list specific members below) Aggregate Tests Shop Material ldauir=3ti0a Rcia(mcing Tests Weldmg Inspection O Sbop O Field Mix resigns Uluasonic Inspection O Scop O Field Reinforcing Placement — high-strength Bolting Batcb Plant Inspection Inspection 0 Shop Cl Field Inspect Placinc ©A325 O ©X O F Cast Samples 0 A49() Pick-up Samples Metal reek Welding Inspectim C on Tuts Reinforcing Steel Welding Inspection — Meta1 Stud Welding Inspection PRECASTIPRESTRESSED CONCRETE: — Conctcte Insert welding Inspection Piles Post -Tens Pre�Tens Cladding AggiegatcTescs FIRETROOFING. Reinforcing Tests — Placement Inspection Tendon Tests —Density Tests Mu Designs Thickness Tests Reinforcing Placement — Inspect Batching Itrsen Placement Concrete Batching INSULATING CONCRETE: Concrete Placement _ Sample and Test Installation Inspection — Placement Inspection Cast Samples __._ unit Weights Pick-up Samples Compression Tats FILL MATERIAL: MASONRY:— Acceptance rests — Placement Inspection — Special Inspection Stresses Used — Field Density — Preliminary Acceptance Tests (Masonry Units. Wali Prisms), — Snbscquent Tests (Mortar. Grout, Field Wall Prisms) STRUCTURAL WOOD-- OOD:— -Placement Inspection of Units ---_ Shtar Wall Whiling Inspection — inspection of Glu -Jam Fab. _.__ Inspection of Truss Joist Fab. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS OR OTHER TESTS ----- Sample and Test Components AND INSPECTIONS: Form completed by: Title: Telephone No.: [Yate: