20061097 spin and yarn.doc
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Planning • Building • Engineering
Plan Review Comments
Plan Check : Date:
# 2006-1097 5 Oct 06
Project Name/Address:
Spin and Yarn; 133 4 Ave N
Contact Person/Address/Fax: fax
: Shirley Miner :
Reviewer: Division:Engineering
Lyle Chrisman, Engineering Program Manager
The subject application has been reviewed but cannot be completed until the following items have been
addressed/corrected. Please resubmit 3 sets of revised drawings to a Development Services Permit
1. Since this application is a change of use from office to retail, a traffic impact analysis will be required. Attached is
the analysis handout for you to use. If you have any questions regarding the handout, please contact me at 425-
771-0220 ext 1324 or by e-mail- .
2. Please provide a scaled site plan that shows all existing parking and any required barrier free parking.
3. If the building is required to be sprinkled, per the Fire Department, a double detector check valve assembly will be
required on the fire line and shall be located on private property at the property line.
__________________(Attach fax transmittal)
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