City of Edmonds
1 s9° (425) 771-0220
DATE: November 6, 2006
TO: Monte Clouston
FAX: 541-315-3400
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: PIan Check #2006-1145
Project: Calais Multi -family -- Residing
Project Address: 1115 4"' Ave S
During re -review of the plans/documents for the above noted project, it was found that the following
information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please submit written responses to the comments below,
including where changes can be found on the plans, and revised plans/document (affected sheets only) to
Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator.
1. Previous item 1 (items still outstanding and additional comments regarding response):
a. Your response letter received 10/30/06 references ANSI 263 for the 1 -hour exterior wall
which is the number for the general test method and acceptance criteria for ANSFUL. The
specific listed and tested 1 -hour rated stucco assembly that will be used must still be
b. Provide construction details of the fire rated exterior wall assembly, deck floor -ceiling
assembly, roof -ceiling assembly, and soffit assembly on the plans, and cross-reference
where they apply on the plans.
2. For seismic upgrade work (as discussed with you at the counter on October 11, 2006), provide 3 sets of
structural plans and calculations, stamped and signed by the structural engineer of record, along with a
written request for Alternate Design (unless you have decided to upgrade to 2003 IBC) including fee.
3. Where wall and floor -ceilings are exposed: insulation upgrade is required to the maximum extent
possible (not R -values on the plans); fire stopping of fire rated assemblies is required (provide listed and
tested fire stopping assemblies and details on the plans); provide listed and tested fire rated assemblies
for interior 1 -hour walls (provide detail, listing, and cross reference where they apply on the plans).
4. The permit coordinator for this project has determined the exterior siding and seismic upgrade work will
be under one permit. When you resubmit, provide a written bid for all work to be done under this
permit, including a detailed written scope of work. Additional plan review fees will be required at that