20061114132039.pdfor EDS City of Edmonds
gs1 g90 (425) 771-0220
DATE: November 14, 2006
TO: Ralph Allen
E-mail: rwallen@bridgepm.net
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Revisions to Permit #: 2005-0258
Project: The Gregory —Revisions
Project Address: 505 5'11 Ave S.
During review of the revisions for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please submit written responses to the comments below, including
where changes can be found on the pians, and 2 sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) to
Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator.
1. We did not receive the "management matrix" of all outstanding Special Inspection issues as noted in
your 11/8/06. Please provide.
2. For the plans sheets you have submitted to be a complete replacement for each revised sheet, in
comparing the original approved plans with your revised plans, the following is still missing and/or
needs to be addressed:
a. On the coversheet, the plans list is missing "S" sheets, "E" sheets and "L" sheets.
b. Use the same sheet numbers as those that are being replaced so there is no confusion.
c. On the coversheet you are showing that window schedules on Sheets 4.20, 4.22, and 4.23
are deleted, however you have not provided replacement window schedules. The building
envelope details submitted do not replace the information shown on these sheets which are
needed to verify minimum code requirements such as egress, safety glazing, sizes of
windows for verification of glazing % for energy calculations, etc.
d. On the Coversheet, why is the 2003 ANSI listed under governing codes? The IBC
references several editions of ANSI Standards from 1971 through 1999. Please remove or
clarify so there is no confusion.
e. Revise coversheet information to reflect reduced number of dwelling units from 28 to 27.
How are you planning to number the suites on the P floor given that 302 and 303 are now
one unit?
f. The Coversheet is missing the Vicinity map (minimum submittal requirement in City
handout) as well as the list of plan abbreviations.
g. The original approved plans for the building contain several redlines that need to be
incorporated into the revised plans:
i. Coversheet:
I . Under "construction type" remove office space group B since there are no office
occupancies shown on the plans.
2. Under the "exiting and occupancy table" there were several occupant load
calculation errors (for example for room 10 1.01 6340/30 is 211 not 218). Please
correct throughout. Likewise, the First Floor Occupant Load and Total Occupant
Load noted at the bottom of the table are also incorrect.
3. A complete list of Separate Permits and Deferred Submittals (17 total) and Special
Inspections (13 total) are listed.
4. Under "parking required" the retail floor area including restrooms is shown as
13,388 sf which equals 26.8 stalls (rounded to 27), which alters the total required to
ii. Sheet A2.1:
1. Near the post indicator valve and fire department connection, the City Cross -
Connection Control Specialist had the following redlines:
a. Triple remote reader on exterior wall 4.5 feet above sidewalk grade.
b. RPBA required on domestic water line for premise isolation.
2. Under "restroom calculations" revise Group B to Group M, and cross out office
occupancy reference.
3. At the courtyard, note that it must remain open and unobstructed to the sky.
ill. Sheet A2.2, A2.3 and A2.4, at the courtyard note that it must remain opening and
unobstructed to the sky.
h. On the floor plans, building section BIA6.0 is missing from the east side of the building.
i. On Sheet A2.1 on between grids E & F, 4 and 5 label the dashed square symbol at the exit
passageway, and also between C & D near grid 6.
j. On the floor plans revise the wall legend to match the various types of walls on your floor
k. On Sheet A2.1 revise handrails on main courtyard stair to match 14/A3.5 or remove since
this detail is referenced on A3.10.
1. Relocate Sections A/A6.0 and B/A6.0 so they cut through the building at the correct
location on all floor plans and match the detail floor plans.
m. It appears from the south elevation view and 2nd floor plan that there is now an exterior door
at the exterior wall of the building at exit passageway for Stair 2 and that the door is
elevated above the sidewalk level and has been shifted forward toward the street. Detail
7/A3.5 must be revised to reflect this change. Dimension required landings at the top and
bottom of the stairways and at the doors. Show handrails on both sides of the stairway as
well as required extensions. The doors must swing in the direction of travel. If the exterior
door swings over the property line, an encroachment permit is required, as well as City
Engineer approval. Dimension how much of the door will encroach over the property line,
and how much of the public sidewalk will be obstructed by the swing of the door. Show
how the landing coordinates with the sidewalk slope. IBC 1009.3.1 regulates stairways that
adjoin a sloping public sidewalk (see IBC 1008. 1.4 and 1008.1.5 for door landings). An exit
sign will be required over the exterior door.
n. On Sheet A2.2 at the electric meter, vault and air intake area, more clarification is needed on
the revised plans. For example, the location of the fence is not clear along Holly Street, the
gates are not shown, the meters are not shown, the privacy fence with trellis is not shown,
the bike racks are not shown, etc.
o. On Sheet A2.3 at the same area, the trellises at the bike storage and electrical meters are not
shown or labeled. Also, clarify the black line that is shown on the sheet in this area.
p. Dimension minimum 40" clearance at kitchens for units 205, 207, 210, 211, 212, 305, 307,
310, 311, & 312 per ICC/ANSI Al 17.11004.12.1.1.
q. Decks and guardrails were removed at units 209 and 309, however the elevations still show
doors. Change to windows and revise window/door schedules.
r. Dimension 12" maneuvering distance on corridor side of all unit entry doors (push side) as
previously requested or cover with a general note to clarify the dimensions you are showing.
s. Label the fire extinguisher cabinets on the floor plans.
t. Submit revised roof frarning plan and applicable details to reflect roof changes made on
Sheet A2.4.
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u. Submit revised framing plans at the deck addition areas and where the decks have been
v. The revised elevation sheets are lacking information that is shown on the original approved
Sheet A5.0, such as building height, datum, plate, and floor elevations on north and south
elevations, the datum max. height on east and west elevations, the dashed finished surfaces
below street level, guardrails at the promenade openings, property line locations, stairway at
the mechanical room, grid lines, actual architectural finishes drawn, garbage/recycling area,
w. The fences and trellises shown in the revised elevation views appear to have been
redesigned. Provide new construction details to replace the original approved ones, and
cross reference where they apply on the plans.
x. The guardrail design appears to have changed. Submit revised construction details and
cross-reference where they apply on the plans. Guardrail must resist impact Ioads per E3C
y. Throughout the floor plans and elevations, where you have changed finishes, materials, and
construction details that affect details shown on the original approved plans, revised plans of
those details must be submitted and cross-referenced.
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