20061114150051.pdfo Eno City of Edmonds
est. 3 ago (425) 771-0220
DATE: November 14, 2006
TO: Tom and Sheila Haley
22109 95'x' PI W
Edmonds, WA 98020
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Exam er
RE: Plan Check # 2006-1127
Project: Haley Addition
Project Address: 22109 95"' PL W
During re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected
sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator.
1) ok
2) ok
3) ok
4) ok
5) 11114106 retrofit needs to be specified by Engineer of Record. Please provide stamped letter
confirming what is shown on plans and still need Special Inspection Agreement Form. Hold down 2
specifies HTT2 or retro fit. Engineer of Record to specify retro fit holdown to be used or removed retro
fit note. Epoxy requires special inspections for HTT2 or specified retro fit holdown. Complete the
enclosed special inspection testing agreement form signed by the owner, special inspector and general
contractor prior to permit issuance.
7) 11114/06 detail (now2/A7.I still does not appear to meet conventional construction (i.e. ledger must be
at least the depth of the cut end rafters) also the detail is not clear where the trusses end and the
rafters start. Connection of rafters to manufactured trusses is a non -conventional connection that
must be specified by Engineer of Record. Please clarify detail and provide calculations from Engineer
of Record to justify if detail still does not meet conventional construction. Expand detail 2/A9 to show
how porch rafters tie into the trusses. Detail as shown does not meet conventional construction. Revise
detail or provide calculations stamped and signed Engineer of Record.
8) 1111/06 detail is still unclear how the beam will be supported. Also, according to where this appears to
apply on the plans the joist are running the wrong directions. Please reference all details to their
location on the plans and cross off any details that do not apply. Also since all the page numbers have
changed all the detail call outs already on the plans are not correct. Also, please provide sufficient
information on theplans for support and connection of all beams and structural members. Also for
detail 121A show how slab on grade meets the minimum 45 degrees so it is notplacing a surcharge
on the proposed footings. Engineer of Record to specify attachment of ledger in detail 11/A9 to
foundation wall (size, length, minimum embedment, etc). This connection does not meet conventional
construction. AIso if epoxy or expansion anchors are used special inspections will be required.
9) 11114/06 new plans were submitted without architect stamp and signature. Please provide stamped
and signed copies or have Architect of Record stamp and sign plans on file with the City.