20061121091225.pdfo� EDS City of Edmonds 0 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION Est 1$90 (425) 771-0220 DATE: November 21, 2006 TO: Michael Elliott edmonds house4sale@yahoo.com FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Examiner. RE: Plan Check # 2006-1062 Project: Elliott SFR Project Address: 7629 223, St SW During re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator. 1) Datum point is too far and too dangerous. Please choose datum point closer (i.e. fire hydrant - specify top or bottom) and revise height calculations accordingly. Also at least one copy of site plan must be no larger than 8 %"x 14"paper and scaled no smaller than 1"=20'. Please submit reduced site plan. Specify on the site plan how far away the datum point is from the site. If it is located in the intersection at 76th Ave W or is not visible from the site please choose an alternative closer datum point and note on the plans so that the building inspector will be able to perform height inspection. 2) ok 3) ok 4) This information is needed before permit issuance. Please have owner address if they are the ones to make the decisions. Application form submitted checked one new furnace and 3 water heaters and specifies in -floor hydronic heat. Please clarify. If 3 water heaters are in fact proposed please show location of all three on the plans. Also, will a portion of the house be heated by hydropic heat while the rest is heated by the furnace? Bathroom specifies electric radiant heat. Is that why hydronic heat was checked or will there in fact be hydropic water pipes ran in the floor? Please clarify so mechanical and plumbing fees are charged appropriately. 5) ok 6) ok 7) ok