20061161 Howard Fence2.doc
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Planning • Building • Engineering
Plan Review Corrections
Application : Date:
# bld20061161 - fence December 12, 2006
Project Name/Address:
Howard / 200 7 Ave N
Contact Person/Address/Fax:
Ruth Burrus / e-mail: rburrus@verizon.net
Reviewer: Jeanie McConnellDivision:Engineering
During review of the subject submittal it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications will need to be addressed:
11/16/06 -
1.The plans submitted November 8, 2006 indicate a portion of the fence is proposed to be located in the
City right-of-way. A separate Encroachment Permit is required to be submitted for review and approval
before the fence permit application can be approved by the Engineering Division.
Please review Encroachment Permit Handout #E26, available on the City’s website at
www.ci.edmonds.wa.us under the Engineering Division of the Development Services Department.
Pay specific attention to the recording requirements, exhibits required to be attached to the agreement,
and insurance coverage requirements.
Have utilities located in the field and show all utilities on the site plan.
12/12/06 -
An encroachment permit application was submitted 11/30/06. A complete submittal was not made and
the review of the application cannot continue until all required documents are received.
An encroachment agreement, with required exhibits, must be submitted.
An insurance certificate must be submitted.
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Theresa
Umbaugh is your City contact for this project. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at
mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
DATE E-MAILED 11/16/06 PAGE(s) 1