20061201104732.pdfor Ego City of Edmonds
est. 89� (425) 771-0220
DATE: December 1, 2006
TO: Karim Khoury
FAX: 425-712-0870
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check #2006-0990
Project: John L. Scott Tenant Improvement
Project Address: 313 Main Street
During re -review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please submit written responses to the comments below, including
where changes can be found on the plans, and 2 sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) to
Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator.
1. A detailed written scope of work for the project is still needed on the coversheet of the plans
(previous item la).
2. Provide the listed and tested assembly (such as UL) for the 1 -hour ceiling grid/tile system, and
provide the manufacturer's information for the actual grid and tile to be used that matches the
listed and tested assembly. Note the assembly number on the plans under key note 1 on sheet I-
4.1. Also, keep in mind that the rated ceiling grid/tile assemblies typically limit penetrations
such as light fixtures, ducts, etc.
3. Regarding Key notes 1 and 5 on sheet I-4.1 clarify so there is no confusion, if the 1 -hour ceiling
gnd/tile assembly is providing the required 1 -hour roof -ceiling assembly, or the existing plaster
4. The floor plan shows key note 10 (sheet I-3.1) as a 1 -hour wall, but does not show the 1 -hour
rating/construction for the existing exterior and bearing walls as required for VA construction.
Please clarify on the plans.
5. On Sheet I-3.1, match the partition legend to the walls on the plans since they reference
construction details, so there is no confusion.
6. Per your e-mail dated 11/27/06, response to previous item #9 is forth coming and will be
reviewed at that time.
7. Key note #11 on Sheet I-3.1 notes that a door buzzer and sign will be installed at the entrance.
As discussed at our meeting at the public counter on November 6th, a request for Alternate
Design must be approved by the Building Official. Please submit a letter (stamped and signed
by the architect of record) addressed to the Building Official (Jeannine Graf), stating why it is
technically infeasible to make the entry accessible (see IBC 3402.1 for definition of technically
infeasible) and that you are proposing an Alternate Design in accordance with IBC 104.11 for
the buzzer and signage. Be specific when describing the alternate and how it will be used. A
fee of $180.00 is required when you submit the Alternate Design Request.
8. Still need revised contractor's bid to reflect changes to the plans.