20061205104203.pdfof EDS City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION Asr j 8qo (425) 771-0220 DATE: December 5, 2006 TO: Mark Schlieps Fax 206-763-0442 FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Exami e RE: Plan Check # 2006-0877 Project: Schlieps SFR Project Address: 7415 179' St SW During re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator. 1) 12/5/06 Datum shown 77' away from property will still be too difficult far the building inspector to perform his height check. Please either choose datum point in road or cul-de-sac in front of property or height inspection will need to be done by a Washington State Licensed Surveyor hired by the owner. Specify a specific datum point close to the site that will not be altered during construction for the Building Inspector to perform Height Inspection. NAVD 88 is too far offsite for the inspector to verify height. 2) ok 3) ok 4) ok 5) ok 6) ok 7) ok 8) 12/5/06 Still need calculation and detail stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer. It appears based on the South elevation that the rockery will be supporting fill. Per our handout rockeries are not permitted to support fill. If this is the case please revise to retaining wall and provide calculations and stamped details for proposed retaining wall. Per our Rockery and Retaining wall handouts any rockery or retaining wall located in a critical area must have plans designed consistent with ECDC Chapter 23.80 (including design calculations) and stamped by a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer. The City reserves the right to require peer review and/or special inspections for all retaining walls in critical areas or their buffers. Whenever a retaining wall exceeds 6 feet in height, peer review and special inspections will be required. 9) ok 10) ok 11)12/5/06 Still need stamped and signed shoring detail with calculations for proposed shoring wall. If under 6' no peer review will be required. Per Geotech Report by Dennis Bruce, PE dated July 19, 2006 no excavations over 5' were proposed. Plans show 9' max full height basement retaining wall. Geotechnical Engineer of Record to review details and grading plan and provide shoring details and calculations if required. If shoring wall exceeds 6' please be advised per our retaining wall handout that plans and calculations will be sent to peer review at applicants expense. 12) ok 13)12/5/06 Still Need. Special inspections are required for the following. Complete the enclosed special inspection agreement signed by the owner, the general contractor and the special inspector and submit to the City for approval prior to issuance. • Soil Cuts • Foundation sub -grade verification • Any retaining wall or rockery placement • Any fill placement • Subsurface drainage installation • Temporary and permanent erosion control measures 14) Ok 15)New: Reduce site plan must be scaled no smaller than 1"=20'. Please provide new reduced plot plan scaled 1 "=20' on maximum 8 1/z" x 14" paper. Page 2 of 2