20061232 Duffus SFR.doc
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Planning • Building • Engineering
Plan Review Corrections
Application : Date:
# bld20061232 December 13, 2006
Project Name/Address:
Duffus / 932 Alder Street
Contact Person/Address/Fax:
Andy Duffus / e-mail: andy_duffus@msn.com
Reviewer: Jeanie McConnellDivision:Engineering
During review of the subject submittal it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications will need to be addressed:
1.Please provide a storm detention system worksheet. The worksheet is available in the City’s handout for
Storm Water Management #E72. The handout is available at www.ci.edmonds.wa.us, under the Engineering
Division of the Development Services Department.
2.Revise the impervious surface calculations for the house to include the roof overhang and make adjustments
to the sizing of the detention system accordingly. Also, impervious surface calculations have been provided
on the site plan twice and both calculations are different. Please revise.
3.Show the existing catch basin in the City right-of-way that will accept the outfall from the on-site detention
4.Provide rim and invert elevations for all catch basins, including the existing CB in the right-of-way. Please
also provide rim and i.e.’s for the trench drain at the garage.
5.The footing drains shall not tie into the storm detention system. Indicate on the site plan where the footing
drains will outfall to. They can tie into the outfall of the detention system, on private property or drain to an
on-site drywell.
6.Show the location of the water service line from the meter to the house.
7.Show the location of the 6” sewer lateral from the main to the property line and the 4” side sewer from the
property line to the house.
a.Indicate pipe material, slope and provide invert elevations.
b.A 12” locking CI lamphole cover is required over the 6” cleanout on the ROW side of the property
c.A 4” cleanout shall be provided at the house.
8.Pursuant to the Edmonds Community Development Code 18.90 sidewalks are required as a condition of
development approval. Revise the site plan to include 5’ sidewalks along the property frontage, to be
constructed per City standard details E2.8 and E2.13. Standard details are available at
www.ci.edmonds.wa.us, under the Engineering Division of the Development Services Department.
9. Please also add a note to the plans that states the engineering inspector will make a determination during
construction as to what portions of the existing curb will need to be removed and replaced.
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10.The driveway entrance shall be constructed per City standard detail E2.26, with the throat of the driveway
being a minimum of 12’ and a maximum of 24’ for a two car garage.
11.Please indicate the driveway surface material and show the entire length of the driveway from the garage to
the back of sidewalk.
12.Please indicate all erosion and sedimentation control measures on the site plan. A rock entrance is required
(note on plan with reference to detail) and filter socks shall be placed in any affected downstream catch
13.A detail for the rock entrance has been provided, but the detail indicates a rock entrance of 20’ in length and
the verbiage indicates a rock entrance of 50’ in length. The minimum length shall be 50’.
14.Show any easements that encumber the property. Is there a side yard easement for the benefit of the existing
house to the east?
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. JoAnne
Zulauf is your City contact for this project. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at
mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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