20070117085704.pdfo1 ,City of Edmonds
�Sr. 1,81 (425) 771-0220
DATE: January 17, 2007
TO: Ophello Canlas
23719 91s'PI W
Edmonds, WA 98026
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Exa i er
RE: Plan Check # 2006-1074
Project: I Care Adult Family Homes
Project Address: 23719 915` Pl W
During re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected
sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator.
1) ok
2) .1/17/07 Plans still showrooms exiting using stairs. For rooms to be NS2 they must have two means of
egress at grade level or with ramp. Please use NSI designation for all rooms with I means of egress
at grade level or with complying ramp and remove existing arrows from stairways. For the rooms to be
designated as NS2 they must have two means of egress at grade level or with a ramp. Plans show NS2
designations with only one exit at grade level or complying ramp. If using stairs as an exit it must be S
designation. Otherwise revise to NS 1.
Provide complete framing and foundation plans for proposed ramp and also provide site plan (see
sample attached) showing location of ramp. 1/17/07 Comments below.
a. Provide axial load calculations for 8'9"posts.
b. Double 2x8 bolted to the posts does not meet conventional construction. Provide calculations and
specify bolts to be used or revise to conventional construction (I e. beam sitting on top of the post
with a post to beam connector).
c. Provide calculation for 4x10 beam at the deck. According to my calculation this beam will be
over spanned for HF#2.
d. Provide calculations for ledger lag bolt size and spacing or revise to 3/8" x 4 %" at 7" o. C.
e. Provide calculation for double 2x6's acting as a beam supporting ramp joists off the deck as well
as 10' span floor joists. The partial framing plan for the ramp shows a post midspan but the deck
partial framing plan shows them spanning 10'. Please clarify and provide calculations.
f. Specify slope of ramps. Max I:8 and ifgreater than 1:12 a handrail is required.
g. Clearly show dimensioned landings and handrail locations on sheet Al. 0.
h. Provide construction details and specify slope of ramp out of the "work area'
i. Specify post to footing connectors.
New 1/17/07: Clarify if there is a door separating the work area from the garage and show on the
plans. Code does not allow sleeping rooms to exit though garages so if there is no door separating the
work area from the garage then the caregiver room can not exit into this area. Revise plan