20070209113518.pdfoV EDS City of Edmonds
Est y g9° (425) 771-0220
DATE: February 9, 2007
TO: Jamie Schwartz
Fax 425-353-1668
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Ex ine
RE: Plan Check # 2007-0082, 2007-0 88 and 2007-0101
Project: Retaining walls
Project Address: 15715, 15719 and 15711 72nd Ave SW
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised
plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a
Permit Coordinator.
For 2007.0082 15715 72"d Ave W.
1) Per our retaining wall handout structural calculations are required for retaining walls of any
height when the property is considered a critical area. Please provide stamped and signed
calculations from the EOR for proposed wall to match stamped detail submitted.
2) Specify top and bottom wall elevations for all along the driveway and specify elevation of
driveway to verify that there is not a surcharge on the wall. If a surcharge is placed on the wall
provide calculations to justify.
3) Specify top and bottom wall elevations for block wall along the front property line.
For 2007-008815719 72nd Ave W.
1) Per our retaining wall handout structural calculations are required for retaining walls of any
height when the property is considered a critical area. Please provide stamped and signed
calculations from the EOR for proposed wall to match stamped detail submitted.
For 2007-01011571172 "d Ave W
1) Per our retaining wall handout structural calculations are required for retaining walls of any
height when the property is considered a critical area. Please provide stamped and signed
calculations from the EOR for proposed wall to match stamped detail submitted.
2) Provide top elevation for retaining wall along the West property line on the site plan.. According
to elevations shown on the grading plan this wall will be 11'. If so detail and calculations must
be revised to show requirements for 11' wall and it is possible that peer review will be required.
3) On the site plan show distance between wall tiers to so that it complies with the engineer's
4) On the site plan clarify elevation of driveway and how walls that appear to encroach into the
driveway area are not supporting a surcharge.