20070313074727.pdfOV EDS City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION est, ts9� (425)771-0220 DATE: March 13, 2007 TO. Tina Gutierrez 3130 NE 20'h Place Renton, WA 98056 FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official -A-__ RE: Plan Check #2007-0218 Project: La Chaquita -Remodel Project Address: 22921 Highway 99, #I During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where changes can be found on the plans. Submit revised plans/documents to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator. I . On the Existing Floor Plan, note both suite numbers. On the Proposed Floor Plan, note the new combined suite number. 2. The occupant load of the combined spaces is 58 requiring 2 exits (IBC 1004). Exit doors must be spaced apart a minimum of 1/2 the overall diagonal distance of the combined tenant space (IBC 1004.2). Provide exit door size, illuminated exit signs with method of power back-up, emergency lighting with method of power back-up, door hardware (for egress and accessibility), etc. If main entry door will be key locked, it must meet IBC 1008.1.8.3, including signage. 3. The alterations require accessibility upgrades per IBC/WAC 3409.6. On the plans clearly show that the exterior and interior accessible route of travel complies with current code, or provide upgrades per the previously referenced section. If you choose to used exception #1 of that section, provide a letter stamped and signed by the architect (reference the code exception), stating what parts of the existing site and building are not accessible, the project cost and what 20% of it equals, list the upgrades that will be done as part of this permit as well as showing that the total cost of the upgrades is at least 20%. Possible upgrades for this type of occupancy would be exterior parking and path of travel to the main entrance of the tenant space, accessible route throughout the tenant space such as restrooms, customer counter, doors, door hardware, etc. 4. Provide revised contractor's bid to accurately reflect work.