20070327105059.pdfof EDO City of Edmonds
ES`t 1 sgo (425) 771-0220
DATE: March 27, 2007
TO: Dwight McGrew
FAX: 425-778-9086
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check # 05-210 (Permit Trax #2006-0545)
Project: Michel Construction SFR
Project Address: 15911 76"' Place West
During re -review of the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or
changes are still needed. Please submit revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) and written
responses to each of the following items to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator.
1. Until the City is notified in writing otherwise, you are still the Lead Design Professional of record for
this project, and Michel Construction is still the Owner and General Contractor of record.
2. Revise site and civil plans to show change from rockeries to retaining walls (per previous e-mail
correspondence to Lyle Chrisman). Provide structural calculations and details for the retaining walls
and cross reference the details on the site and civil plans. This will be sent out for peer review and
special inspection will be required. See enclosed Retaining Wall handout for information. (reference
previous nonstructural item 1)
3. The Special Inspection and Testing Agreements (3 special inspectors) submitted on 3/6/07 are signed by
the Michel construction for General Contractor and Owner. Submit new forms based change of
ownership and contractor information noted in item #1 above as applicable.
4. Revise symbol legend on Sheets A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, so that the symbol lines up with the actual
5. On Sheet A5, there is a new note regarding pile location that needs to be verified with the structural
engineer and removed or clarified to give direction to the contractor.
6. Structural Engineer's response #9 from letter dated 8/21/06: Include new detail 4 "typical deck post
mounting detail" on the plans and cross reference where it applies.
7. Structural Engineer's response #15 from letter dated 8/21/06: On Sheet A6, reference the specific GLV
hanger that the engineer requires at 6 3/4" GLB to 7" PSL,
8. Structural Engineer's response #22 from letter dated 8/21/06 states "architect to respond", however no
details could be found on the plans addressing this item