2007-0337_WeaverFence.doc CE ITY OF DMONDS th 121 5 Avenue North • Edmonds, WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DSD: P•E•B EVELOPMENT ERVICES EPARTMENTLANNING NGINEERING UILDING Plan Review Comments – Planning Division April 10, 2007 Stromme Construction, LLC th 9623 8 Avenue NE Seattle WA 98115 Phone: 206.650.7378 | Fax: 206.526.2773 RE: BLD-2007-0337 (First Review) Tim Weaver Fence 847 Maple Street (RS-6 Zone) Dear Applicant, I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue: Fence/Trellis Details: 1. Please provide an elevation view of what the fence/trellis will look like. What is the width of the trellis section? How long is the trellis section (does it run the entire length of the fence)? I’ve included and underlined some important and applicable sections of the fence chapter, ECDC 17.30, for you to review… ECDC 17.30.035 Trellises and arbors. A. Definitions. As used in this section, the referenced terms shall have the following definitions: 1. “Arbor” is a separate freestanding or attached structure that has a lattice roof and lattice walls or a horizontal lattice work structure serving to roof a gate or entrance way. 2. “Lattice” and/or “lattice work” is a framework of cross wood or metal strips or a predominantly open framework of wood or metal designed for decorative purposes or landscaping purposes. 3. “Predominantly open” refers to a lattice work or similar decorative pattern which is designed to permit the free flow of light and air through the framework and which is designed primarily for decorative rather than privacy or security purposes. 4. “Trellis” is a horizontal structure of open lattice work designed and intended to support the growth of vines or other vegetation or a horizontal decorative element composed of lattice work which admits light and air through a predominantly open design. B. For the purposes of regulation under the Edmonds Community Development Code trellises shall be considered to be a fence or a part of a fence. As such, trellises shall be subject to the same height limitations as fences and permits shall be required to be obtained under the same circumstances as a fence. A trellis which has a horizontal element which is more than 36 inches in width measured perpendicular to the fence or trellis shall be considered an arbor and subject to the siting requirements for an arbor. C. In addition to the height limits imposed by ECDC 17.30.000(C), the following additions to a fence may be constructed without a variance: 1. A trellis up to two additional feet in height to a maximum of eight feet may be added as a decorative element to a fence so long as the combined length of the trellis(es) constructed facing a property line do not exceed 25 percent of the total length of that property line. 2. A trellis up to two additional feet in height to a maximum of eight feet may be added as a decorative element to a fence facing a street, alley or access easement so long as the trellis remains free of any plantings, vegetation or other visual obstruction. 3. An arbor up to three additional feet in height to a nine-foot maximum may be constructed over a gate, walkway or entrance. \[Ord. 3348 § 1, 2001\]. Thank you for your cooperation. Please provide a written response to the above mentioned items. And, please redline your plans to reflect any changes – or, if you are submitting new plans, please submit 3 site plans (one must be reduced size) and 2 sets of the changed pages of the plans. Please make all submittals to the Development Services Permit Coordinator (Theresa Umbaugh) Monday through Friday, 9am to noon or 1pm to 4pm. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1778. I look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, CITY OF EDMONDS Gina Coccia, Planner C:\\Users\\cockrum\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2007-0337_WeaverFence.doc_153021\\2007-0337_WeaverFence.docPage 1 of 1