20070418132927.pdf� pF Ebrk7
City of Edmonds
Esc. t s9° (425) 771-0220
DATE: April 18, 2007
TO: Dane and Marjorie Tomer
23723 77th Ave W
Edmonds, WA 98026
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Exw+
RE: Plan Check # 2007-0226
Project: Tomer Carport Enclosure
Project Address: 23723 77' Ave W.
During re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised
plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a
Permit Coordinator on or before _Friday May 4, 2007 or the file will be turned back over to code
enforcement for further enforcement action.
1) 4/18/07 Response said see attached but no site plan was found in the file. Still need. Provide
three copies of site plan scaled 1"=20' on 8 %2" x 14" or smaller paper. See attached garage
handout for minimum site plan requirements.
2) 4/18/07 Garage/Dwelling separation is required regardless of what is existing. The code does
not require separation between carports and houses which is mostly likely why there is
currently no separation. The definition of carport per International Residential Code R309.4
is that it must be completely open on 2 or more sides. This structure is no longer a carport
and therefore must be considered a garage. Note garage/dwelling separation on plans.
Minimum %2" sheetrock required on garage side of wall and 5/8" type X on the ceiling when
there is habitable space above and minimum 20 minute rated or 13/8" solid core door.
3) 4/18/07 Again this can no longer be considered a carport. This item is still needed. Expand
floor plan to show all doors and room uses in the existing residence ( i.e. kitchen, bedroom,
living room, etc.) around this carport that is being converted to a garage. Clarify if water heater
storage area is existing or proposed.
4) 4/18/07 Section detail is still required. Provide a section detail from the foundation through the
roof showing, footing/foundation dimensions, rebar, stud size and spacing, top plate, roof
construction, etc. See attached garage handout for sample section detail. Specify on detail what
is existing and what is proposed.
5) 4/18/07 This information is required to be put on the plans. Still need. Provide roof framing
plan and specify what is existing and what is proposed. See attached handout for sample roof
framing plan.
6) 4/18/07 The walls were enclosed therefore a continuous foundation is required. Still need. Per
R403.1 a continuous foundation is required to support all exterior walls. Provide a foundation
plan showing proposed and existing foundation. If a continuous foundation is not provided then
structural calculations stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Professional
Engineer will be required.
7) 4/18/07 This item is still needed. The walls do not meet conventional wall bracing. Exterior
walls do not meet minimum wall bracing required by IRC 602.10. Provide lateral calculations
stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Engineer or alter plans to meet minimum
wall bracing requirements.
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