20070418163552.pdf�� of ED City of Edmonds
89° (425) 771-0220
DATE: April 18, 2007
TO: The Deck Connection
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Ex ner
RE: Plan Check # 2007-0399
Project: Reese Deck
Project Address: 8702 187th Place SW
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised
plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a
Permit Coordinator.
1) Provide reduced copy of the site plan on 8 %" x 14" or smaller scaled 1 "=20'.
2) A deck of the same dimensions with slightly different stair configuration was applied for under
permit 2005-0287. We still have complete plans and structural calculations. If you would like to
use these plans we can make copies ($5/page) otherwise the following comments apply to the
plans submitted.
3) Clarify how the landing is being supported at the opposite side of the stairs. Along the house
there is a ledger but what happens from the house to the other post. Please clarify.
4) Per M1001.15 masonry chimneys shall have a minimum 2" clearance to combustibles. Specify
on the plans how this will be obtained around the chimney on each level.
5) Maximum ledger lag bolt size and spacing is 3/8" x 4 %Z" at 4" o.c. Revise plans or provide
calculations stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer.
6) Maximum rise for the stairs is 73/4" and minimum run is 10". Revise all stair notes to reflect.
7) For the guardrail show pickets spaced so that a 4" sphere can not pass through.
8) Minimum 36" x 36" hard surface landing is required at the bottom of the stairs. Note on plans
and site plan.