20070511144133.pdfDATE: May 11, 2007 City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 TO: Rick Scheuer rick@scheuerbuilding.com FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Ex ine RE: Plan Check # 2007-0477 Project: Reeves Remodel Project Address: 717 151' Street SW During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator. 1) Exterior walls do not meet minimum wall bracing required by IRC 602.10. Provide lateral calculations stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Engineer or alter plans to meet minimum wall bracing requirements. 2) Provide calculations for double 2x12 rim joist with point loads from proposed 4x10 headers. 3) Provide connection detail where double 2x12 rim and cantilevered 2x12 connect at the corners. This connection and support is non -conventional because the rim is now acting as a beam. Provide calculations stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer.