20070518151914.pdfDATE: May 18, 2007
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
TO: Julie Keim
FAX: 425-778-2843
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check #2007-0481
Project: Compass Courses Maritime Training — Tenant Improvement
Project Address: 110 W Dayton Street., Suite 101
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or
changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where changes can be found on the plans. Please
provide these comments to your architect and submit revised plans/documents to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator.
1. Under the notes section on Sheet A2:
a. Note the occupancies of the tenant space (A3 and B)
b. Revise meeting/board room floor area and occupant load to take into account the new offices.
c. Revise posted occupant load accordingly.
d. Revise 2b to coordinate with IBC language for sign above door --- THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN
e. Revise locking device code exception to IBC 1008.1.8.3.
2. Label the use of space between the new offices.
3. Mixed occupancies: Show how IBC 302.3 Mixed Occupancies will be met for new offices (B occupancy), such as
with separated uses (fire barriers), accessory use calculation, etc.
a. If separated uses will be used, a 2 hour fire barrier with self-closing 90 minute rated doors is required.
Note the uses of space and occupancy above the new offices and provide fire rated horizontal
assemblies as required in IBC 302.3.2. Provide listed and tested wall and floor -ceiling assemblies and
cross-reference where they apply on the plans.
b. Note the uses of space and occupancy above and adjacent to the new offices and show how mixed uses
will be met per IBC 302.3. Provide fire barrier walls and horizontal assemblies as required.
4. Provide illuminated exit sign over main exit door from meeting room IBC 1011
5. Provide emergency lighting in new vestibule area.
6. Alterations are being made to the accessible area of primary function which must meet current accessibility codes.
The accessible route of travel to and throughout the primary function areas must also be brought up to code unless
State Amendment to IBC 3409.6 exception I is used. If you use this exception, the Architect of record must provide
letter (stamped and signed) stating what parts of the site and tenant space are currently not accessible, state the project
cost and what 20% of it equals, list what upgrades will be done as part of this permit as well as showing that the total
costs of the upgrades is at least 20% (such as restrooms, parking, access to the tenant space entrance, etc.).
7. Show how mechanical ventilation system alterations to accommodate new spaces. Provide a mechanical plan showing
supply and return in each room for ventilation, including layout of existing and proposed ductwork. IMC 403.1
8. . Show location of existing and proposed fire extinguishers.