20070529105113.pdfDATE: May 29; 2007 City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION TO: Sarah Wakefield/Rick Brown Sent via e-mail (425) 771-0220 . FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official RE: Plan Check #2006-0587 Project: Edmonds Fitness -- Revision to exterior stair Project Address: 8401 Main Street During review of the revised plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where changes can be found on the plans. Please submit revised plans/documents to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator. The Engineering Division will review the stair/landing revision to determine if there is adequate area for vehicle maneuvering, and comments (if applicable) will be sent to you under separate cover. 1. Revise the floor plan notes regarding the existing stair to be applicable to the new revision. 2. The revised west elevation view notes that the existing stairs will be removed. Clarify if the existing landing will also be removed and rebuilt. If the existing landing will be extended, provide a construction detail showing how the concrete landing will be extended to meet the 4'-0" dimension shown on the revised plans (including the cold joint). 3. Sheet A2-1 shows a new accessible ramp near the loading dock area. a. Clearly show on the plans what exit(s) are leading to the ramp. b. Clearly show on the plans that the accessible path of travel is not passing through a storage area to access the ramp. c. Clearly show how the loading dock is used by trucks so the accessible route is not obstructed. Where do the trucks back into? d. Show the elevation of each ramp landing, dimension the length of each ramp run, dimension the upper landing, dimension the handrail extensions at the top of the ramp, and cross- reference the handrail detail. e. Show ramp on site plan and elevation views. 4. Provide north elevation view of new stair and new accessible ramp.