20070531130712.pdfOV EDS City of. Edmonds
Fsr. ; g90 (425) 771-0220
DATE: May 18, 2007
TO: Kim Steward
E-mail: kimmysteward@yahoo.com
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check #2007-0448
Project: Park Place Exterior Repair
Project Address: 8615 238' Street SW
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where
changes can be found on the plans. Please provide these comments to your engineer and submit
revised plans/documents to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator.
1. This property was annexed into the City in 1994, therefore the City does not have archived plans
for these buildings. They would have been constructed under Snohomish County jurisdiction.
Provide the following additional information for each building as part of the plans:
a. Type of Construction
b. Occupancies
c. Site plan showing location of all buildings
d. Floor areas of each floor of each building
e. Exterior wall construction detail (including fire rated assembly where applicable)
2. Portions of the Inspection Report dated 1211/06 were not legible due to overprinting or font
errors. Please provide a legible copy of the report.
3. On page 10 and 11 of the Inspection Report dated 12/1/06, several structural issues are noted
that are not addressed on the plans. The engineer of record must address these issues.
4. Provide structural repair information on the plans, including sheathing type, thickness, nailing
.size/spacing; sill plate size, bolting/nailing. Where shear walls or braced walls were replaced,
clearly show on the plans.
5. Plumbing work was called out in the report provided. Clearly note on the plans what plumbing
work was done on site, and complete enclosed plumbing fixture schedule for all new or'
relocated fixtures.
6. Provide floor plans of the building (including uses of space) showing locations of proposed or
altered exhaust fans and plumbing work and how fire rated assemblies will be maintained (such
as with shafts, lined joist bays, soffits, etc.).
7. The City has no record of permits being issued for "refurbishing Unit D101 for handicap
access". Provide a written description of work done to the unit so that it can be determined if a
building permit is required. If you know that work was done that required a permit, provide
remodel work on the plans.
8. The building enclosure certification letter from the building enclosure inspector must be
submitted to the Building Division prior to final inspection by the City Building Inspector.
9. It is our understanding that all of the work on the building is complete. Therefore, the engineer
of record must provide copies of all progress inspections including a final building enclosure
letter, and all documents proving compliance to RCW 64.55 and the State adopted codes.
10. Provide revised contractor's bid for all work (the bid provided did not include all work shown
on the plans), excluding re-roofing which was previously issued under separate permit for each
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